Aquaculture and Marine Biosciences
See study programmeThe semester package in Aquaculture and Marine Biosciences include the following 10 ECTS-credit courses:
Aquatic Microbiology
On successful completion of the course:
The student will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of farming salmon, halibut, cod and Balean wrasse
- Develop in-depth knowledge of fish physiology
- Have an understanding of the ocean as an environment for living organisms
The student should be able to:
- Explain the principles used in the farming of actual species from egg to harvest
- Explain how different fish groups are adapted to function optimally in their environment
- Define and use key concepts in basic physical oceanography
General competence:
The student should:
- Be able to discuss actual challenges as welfare and sustainability in the aquaculture industry
- Be trained in giving oral and written presentations
- Be able to adopt a critical stance towards `taken for granted¿ or common-sense understandings of oceans as physical environments
Minimum 1.5 years of full-time studies within biology or related fields.
Please note: this semester package is designed specifically for exchange students.
In addition to the semester fee and syllabus literature, students are expected to have a laptop with microphone and camera. Students must purchase their own laboratory coat for use in courses with laboratory exercises.
Cost for some elective couses may apply, max. NOK 2000,-.
Students take an active part in the evaluation of the courses in the programme through mid-term and final evaluation. Dialogue meetings are also conducted between students and the programme director every semester.