Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Years 1-7 - 5 year Master’s Degree (session-based)
See study programmeThe Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education 1-7 - 5 year Master’s Degree is an integrated and profession-oriented educational programme, based on knowledge acquired from research and experience. The educational programme places particular emphasis on primary education and the role of form teachers. The master’s programme is characterised by a holistic and interrelational perspective on subjects, subject didactics, pedagogy, supervised professional training and critical reflection.
The first three academic years of study form the framework around the programme, and are organised as four sessions each semester at Levanger campus, and also as online teaching four days a week in the weeks between the sessions. In the 4th year of study, the teaching of the master’s course will be organised using teaching sessions with online-supported teaching activities between the sessions. The various teaching activities are described in the individual course descriptions. In the ninth semester, the teaching is organised into four 1-week sessions, and online-supported teaching takes place between the sessions. In the tenth semester, each student enters into a supervision contract regarding work on the master’s thesis. The supervision is then organised according to agreement between the supervisor and the student.
For students studying the programme, it is compulsory to take 60 credits in Pedagogy and Pupil Knowledge, 30 credits in Norwegian and 30 credits in Mathematics. In total, the programme must include 3 to 4 teaching subjects, including the compulsory subjects of Norwegian and Mathematics.
The University takes into account that the subjects on offer may change according to which subjects students choose.
Towards the end of the second academic year of study, students choose their master’s degree subject. The master’s degree specialisation may be in one of the student’s teaching subjects, or in applied pedagogy or special needs education. Students who choose a teaching subject as a master’s degree subject will have to choose between a primary education module (15 credits) or a module involving a subject and subject didactics (15 credits) during the fourth academic year of study. Students write their master’s thesis on an self-chosen issue within the master’s degree subject in the 10th semester.
In the 3rd year of academic study, students write a profession-oriented R&D assignment.
All teaching is compulsory. This is described in more detail in the individual course descriptions.
Students have at least 110 days of assessed supervised professional training in a school, distributed over the first four years of study. 100% attendance is required regarding supervised professional training. Arrangements shall be made so that students have the opportunity to conduct their supervised professional training in their local area for the first two years. However, it is desirable that more students can conduct their supervised professional training together. It will also be possible to conduct supervised professional training in Nord University’s practical training area. Supervised professional training is organised as general interval training for the first two years. This means that students will take part in supervised professional training on one fixed day every week throughout each semester.
Students must have passed all courses from the first year of study in order to start the third year of study. Students must have passed all courses from the first to the third year of study in order to start the fifth year of study. Required prerequisite knowledge for individual courses will be stated in the individual course descriptions.
• have advanced knowledge in either a chosen teaching subject and the subject’s didactics, or in applied pedagogy/special needs education
• have specialised insight into a delimited subject area (master’s thesis)
• have broad profession-oriented knowledge in other subjects included in the education
• have in-depth knowledge about relevant research and theory, scientific thinking, research methods and ethics
• have in-depth knowledge about applicable legislation and planning frameworks for primary and lower secondary education, about the coherence that exists in the kindergarten/school educational pathway, and about the transition from kindergarten to school and from primary school to lower secondary school
• have in-depth knowledge about primary education, basic skills, assessment and mapping tools, class management and assessment of pupils’ learning and what promotes learning in different subjects
• have in-depth knowledge about learning theory and children’s development, formation and learning in different social, linguistic and cultural contexts
• have knowledge about children in difficult life situations, including knowledge about bullying, violence and sexual abuse of children, applicable legislation and children’s rights from a national and international perspective
• have broad knowledge about the teaching profession, the distinctive character and history of the subjects, and an understanding of the development of school as an organisation, its mandate, core values and place in society
• have knowledge about using nature and the local environment as a learning arena and adapting activities to different learning environments
• can teach based on knowledge acquired from research and experience, alone and together with others
• can analyse, adapt and use applicable curricula
• can initiate early efforts and ensure progression in pupils’ development of basic skills and academic competence, with special emphasis on reading, writing and numeracy in primary education
• can create inclusive and health-promoting learning environments that contribute to good academic, social and aesthetic learning processes
• can analyse, assess and document pupils’ learning, provide feedback that promotes learning, adapt the education to the pupils’ prerequisites and needs, use varied teaching methods and help pupils to reflect on their own learning and development
• can assess and use relevant teaching materials, digital tools and educational resources, and provide students with digital skills training
• can analyse and relate critically to national and international research and apply this knowledge in their professional practice
• can, alone and in collaboration with others, use relevant methods from research and development work for continuous development of their own and the school’s collective practice, as well as carry out delimited research projects under supervision
• can identify signs of bullying, violence and sexual abuse. Based on professional assessments, candidates should be able to quickly implement the necessary measures, and be able to establish collaboration with relevant professional bodies.
General competence
• can strengthen international and multicultural perspectives in the school’s work, contribute to the understanding of the Sámi people’s status as an indigenous population, and stimulate democratic participation and sustainable development
• can initiate and safeguard good school-home collaboration, and collaborate with other actors relevant to the school’s activities
• are able to convey and communicate information regarding academic issues related to professional practice at an advanced level, and have professional digital competence
• can analyse and assess relevant academic and ethical issues and contribute to the development of academic communities at individual schools
• can contribute to innovation processes related to the school’s activities and facilitate the involvement of local working life, society and cultural life in the education.
Admission to the programme of study requires Higher Education Entrance Qualification with specific admission requirements, it is not possible to apply on the basis of prior learning and work experience.
A certificate or good conduct from the police (Childcare Certificate of Conduct) is required.
Special admission requirements:
You must either have:
• an average grade of 3 or higher in Norwegian (393 hours) and
• an average grade of 4 or higher in Mathematics (common core subject 224 hours)
• at least 35 school points.
• an average grade of 3 or higher in Norwegian (393 hours) and
• an average grade of 3 or higher in Mathematics (224 hours) and
• at least 40 school points.
(Applicants meet the grade requirements in Mathematics if they have passed one of the following programme subjects: S1, S2, R1, or R2.)
Unable to meet the admission requirements for Mathematics? In the spring of 2022, the University of South-Eastern Norway has an online offer for those who want to become a teacher but do not meet the grade requirements for admission to teacher education. Read more about the programme.
There are four 1-week sessions in the autumn semester and four 1-week sessions in the spring semester.
There will also be daytime teaching every week between the sessions. This teaching takes place online.
Session dates will be announced during the spring of 2022.
Subject to change.
It is possible to take part in exchanges during the first semester of the 3rd academic year of study, and it is possible to take relevant courses at other institutions that offer teacher education. Students can also work on their R&D assignment at the exchange institution and will be followed up by their supervisor.
Candidates can choose between taking either a school-relevant subject or a school subject when on an exchange. The faculty collaborates with a number of universities in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, many countries in Europe, the USA and Canada.
It is stated in Report to the Storting No. 7 (2020-2021) that mobilities and exchanges shall be a central part of teacher education. The faculty encourages students on the programme to take part in a foreign exchange. As a student studying primary and lower secondary teacher education, you have the opportunity to go on an exchange through various mobility programmes, such as Erasmus+ which is the world’s largest mobility programme. You will also have access to various grant schemes. Do you have children? Keep in mind that it is still possible to go on an exchange when you have children – and that there are grant schemes that provide support for families on exchange.
As a teacher, you will help introduce pupils to important topics such as democracy and citizenship, public health, life skills and sustainability. By going on an exchange, you will, among other things, encounter languages, cultures and an academic community that will help you grow in your professional role. Seize the opportunity and go on an exchange!
If you have any questions about exchanges – contact your student advisor who can refer you to the international coordinator.
In addition to expenses for semester fees, course literature and laptops / tablets, there may be expenses associated with excursions, material costs, etc. This is described in the individual course descriptions.
Travel and accommodation expenses in connection with supervised professional training must be expected.
Students will meet varied forms of teaching and assessment that are adapted to the individual subjects and teaching subjects. The individual forms of teaching and assessment are described in the individual course descriptions.
In the third year of study, students must write a profession-oriented R&D assignment in combination with a teaching subject and the Pedagogy and Pupil Knowledge subject. The assignment must be passed before students can start their master’s thesis.
Students write a master’s thesis in the 10th semester. The topic of the master’s thesis is within the students’ chosen master’s subject, has a scope of 30 credits and must be profession-oriented and practice-oriented.
Student suitability is assessed throughout the entire course of study.
• Regulations relating to the framework plan for primary and lower secondary teacher education for Years 1-7
• National guidelines for primary and lower secondary teacher education for Years 1-7
• The principles of the Education Act and the applicable curriculum for primary and lower secondary schools
• Regulations relating to suitability assessment in higher education