Veterinary Nursing (Bachelor)

See study programme

Spring 2021 (2. semester)

5 sp
2.5 sp
7.5 sp
7.5 sp

Autumn 2021 (3. semester)

10 sp
10 sp
5 sp

Spring 2022 (4. semester)

10 sp
10 sp

Autumn 2022 (5. semester)

30 sp

Spring 2023 (6. semester)

Elective courses
10 sp
10 sp
10 sp
10 sp

The study programme educates veterinary nurses. Good knowledge of anatomy, physiology, behavior, diseases, nutrition, treatment and care, as well as good communication skills, are necessary to ensure proper professional practice and good animal welfare.

The study contains three compulsory practice periods that are conducted at animal clinics in the Nordic countries.


The Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing at Nord University is approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) as a basis for granting Norwegian authorization as an veterinary nurse.

Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing at Nord University is based on the Dossier of European Competencies for the Veterinary Nurse from the Accreditation Committee ot Veterinary Nurse Education (ACOVENE).

Progression requirements

The courses in the program are directly based on one another, and certain courses must therefore be passed in order to proceed with the program. The practical periods require a minimum of theoretical and practical knowledge, and the program therefore has compulsory participation in various teaching activities.

Upon successful completion of this programme, the student is expected to possess the following knowledge, skills and general competences:


The candidate

  • has broad knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of animals, their natural behaviour and needs, as well as diseases, treatment and care
  • has knowledge of the basic cultural, legal, and economic factors in the field where veterinary nurses operate
  • knows clinical procedures and tools used in small animal clinics to ensure good animal welfare
  • knows relevant scientific research and development in the field of veterinary nursing
  • can understand and explain veterinary medical terminology
  • can update his/her own knowledge in veterinary nursing from key textbooks and scientific journals, and has the ability to find new valid sources
  • has knowledge of the profession of veterinary nursings origins, history, traditions, uniqueness and place in today's society.


The candidate

  • can apply professional knowledge to practical and theoretical issues, and make profesionally justified decisions when nursing and monitoring patients
  • can communicate appropriately with pet owners in different situations
  • can reflect on his/hers work, and adjust based on professional feedback and guidance
  • can find, evaluate and disseminate litterature within the field of veterinary medicine and animal welfare.
  • can communicate and disseminate litterature to colleagues and pet owners, both in writing and orally
  • has relevant practical skills within the basic clinical procedures in concern to animal welfare and HSE.

General competence

The candidate

  • has insight into professional, legal and ethical issues related to the profession as an awarded veterinary nurse
  • can plan, carry out and present work (practical skills, theoretical reviews, written assignments) both alone and in collaboration with others in line with the professional ethics guidelines of NDAF* and Norwegian legislation
  • can communicate central topics and problems, as well as suggest possible solutions to colleagues and pet owners. Both orally, in writing and by other suitable means of expression.
  • can exchange experiences and views with others within the field of veterinary nursing, and thus contribute to developing and establishing good practices and good animal welfare
  • is familiar about scientific research and development whitin the fields of animal welfare and veterinary nursing, especially concerning the need and welfare of animals in various work-related situations

*Norsk dyrepleier og assistenforening (NDAF) is a Norwegian association for veterinary nurses/ technicians or assistants at veterinary clinics.

Higher Education Entrance Qualification

Frequently asked questions about admission

Application Deadlines

March 1 Applications based on prior learning or exceptional circumstances

April 15 Central admission for applicants with Norwegian education (refer to information about admission to Norwegian-taught programmes)

Veterinary nurses normally work in small animal clinics. Their competence is also relevant whenever theoretical and practical knowledge about animals is required.
The programme qualifies graduates to apply for admission to Master in biosciences at the Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture. Contact an advisor at the faculty for guidance in selecting appropriate elective courses to qualify for admission to the Master programme. The faculty cooperates with the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, Slovakia. Students from Bachelor in Animal Care qualify to apply for 4-year post-BSc. studies in Veterinary Medicine.

Have you ever thought about studying abroad as a part of your degree? 

Bachelor in animal nursing is arranged for placement abroad in the 6th semester. 

You have the opportunity to take 15 weeks of placement in the UK or Belgium. The faculty willl help you find a suitable placement clinic based on your wishes and interests.

Read more about the exchange here:

In addition to the semester fee and syllabus literature, students are expected to have a laptop with microphone and web camera. Students must purchase their own laboratory coat for use in courses with laboratory exercises.

In addition, students must expect costs related to travel, vaccinations, clinical work clothes and accomodation during practice periods.

  • Written exams
  • Multiple choice tests
  • Compulsory reports, presentations and attendence at laboratory exercisies, seminars and practical sessions
  • Assignments
  • Practice
  • Bachelor thesis is optional in the 6th semester
The program is finished when all program elements is completed. Bachelor thesis is optional.

Students take an active part in the evaluation of the courses in the programme through mid-term and final evaluations. Dialogue meetings are also conducted between students and the programme director every semester.

The evaluations form a part of the university's quality assurance system.