TRUSTSTATE: Understanding the Role of Trust in the Institutions of the Welfare State

At both national and local levels, and across different governmental sectors, political reforms explicitly emphasizing trust as an alternative approach to public management have emerged as a trend.

Budget: Total budget 11,309,000, of which Nord NOK 2,393,000
Funder: NRC
Start and finish date: 01.04.2020 - 31.12.2023
Consortium (Coordinating organisation in bold): Nordland Research AS, Roskilde University, Telemarkforskning, Nord University, Institute for societal research

Researchers at FSV:

  • Christian Lo (project leader NF)
  • Janne Breimo (project leader FSV)
  • Halvard Vike
  • Berit Vannebo


At both national and local levels, and across different governmental sectors, political reforms explicitly emphasizing trust as an alternative approach to public management have emerged as a trend. The reform initiatives are typically framed as means towards replacing excessive control regimes with trust-based leadership promoting professional autonomy, co-determination and accountability.

The main research objectives of the study:

a) identify and explore the emergence reforms aimed at enhancing trust in public organizations.

b) identify and explore the mechanisms relating vertical trust within public organizations to horizontal trust between welfare professionals, and between welfare professionals and citizens.