Experience English Language and Literature: Spring Package

Se studieprogram

Vår 2025 (1. semester)

Elective courses
15 sp
5 sp
15 sp

Opplev engelsk: vår

Nord universitet er en stolt vert for ett av de beste engelskprogrammene i landet – Hvorfor ikke bruke tiden din i Norge til å bli med oss i å oppleve litteratur, språk, og kultur i en av verdens viktigste språk? Hvis du noen gang har tenkt på å bli en engelsk lærer i ditt hjemland, eller at du allerede er i en lærerutdanning, vil denne pakken gi deg en dypere innsikt i lærer yrke. Din erfaring med å studere engelsk i Bodø vil gi deg mulighet til å være i klasse med norske og andre internasjonale studenter, hvor alle vil arbeide sammen for å forbedre engelsk kunnskapene sine. Læring i klassene foregår på et høyt nivå, og til en internasjonal standard, noe som gjør det mulig at denne pakken kan passe inn i mange forskjellige gradsprogrammer.


The student shall:

  • Develop knowledge of textual structure and linguistic devices and of critical and analytical approaches to both literary and non-literary texts in English;
  • Have introductory knowledge of traditional and contemporary literary texts and theory;
  • Have increased knowledge of and insight into the English language.


The student can:

  • Use English more confidently and functionally, both orally and in writing appropriate to the audience in different situations;
  • Demonstrate English skills in a variety of formats.


The student can:

  • Deliberate relevant subject material and communicate in English in such a way that is adapted to their target audience;
  • Apply knowledge and skills within the subject of English in an academic and professional context.

Opptak til studieprogrammet krever generell studiekompetanse.

Søkere som ikke har generell studiekompetanse, og er 25 år eller eldre, kan søke om opptak på grunnlag av realkompetanse.

The study of English provides international students with a solid foundation for communication-based work in a variety of occupations. The study of English provides a wide range of language, communication, and cultural skills. Upon completion of the semester package, students have received course content relevant to the following areas of employment:

Translation / proofreading / editing

Teaching (upon certification) / tutoring


University recruitment / international affairs


A semester package study of English provides international students with an excellent foundation for continued study of English at more advanced levels, such as a Bachelor of English. It can also complement other areas of study such as communication, business, or government.
There is an opportunity available for eligible students to attend classes at the Norwegian Study Centre, York, UK.
No tuition fees. Costs for semester registration and course literature apply.
English classes at Nord University use a combination of portfolio assessment, obligatory assignments, home exams, in-school exams, and oral exams. By using a variety of assessments, students are insured fair and holistic evaluation of their knowledge of and skills in English.
The programme is evaluated via student questionnaire, as well as by the programme director. The evaluations form a part of the University's quality assurance system.

Refer to "Regulations concerning studies and examinations at Nord University" and other local regulations under Rules and Regulations.

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