Ansattbilde: Anjana Mahesh Palihawadana

Anjana Mahesh Palihawadana

Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur
Bodø, Hovedbygning E145
Biochemistry, Chromatography, Antioxidant enzymes, Fish quality
I have more than 10 years of working knowledge of key research related to flesh quality and safety techniques in a laboratory setting.
I'm responsible for the day-to-day operation at biochemistry and quality analysis laboratory, which includes methods development and validation as well as training students and scientific staff while complying with all laboratory safety protocol and standards.
Skills : I have a deep knowledge in lab management and its regulatory requirements & standards. Among others, I have acquired a strong expertise in running and troubleshooting all kinds of chemical instrumentation at FBA, Bio chemistry lab (including GC+FID, HPLC, Kjeltec, Soxtec, NIR, Bomb calorimeter and Foodlab analyzer) and biological tests (working on antioxidant enzymes, enzymes kinetics, flesh quality analysis such as LAB-TAXT2 Texture, Muscle histology, cryo preservation and sampling techniques)
Past employments:
Olympic Seafood AS - Quality Controller Antarctic krill PPC (Euphasia Superba)
Working onboard in a Norwegian Krill vessel Juvel, operating in Antarctica.
Tasks: HSE protocol, FAME analysis of Antarctic krill ppc with GC+FID, Compass CDS, NIR, chemical composition analysis , quality controll Antarctic krill PPC, post CIP check
AK320F Aquaculture Nutrition, Conducting laboratory classes on proximate composition analysis of fish meals/novel feed ingrediants.
Hav2002/AK202F akvakultur ernæring, Coducting laboratory classes on biochemical charaterization of fish meal, quality analysis of farmed Atlantic salmon.
AK322F Fish quality and food safety, conducting lab classes on quality analysis of farmed Atlantic salmon, muscle histology, staining techniques, cryopreservation and sectioning.
Product/flesh quality