Ansattbilde: Abolfazl Rafiepour

Abolfazl Rafiepour

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Levanger, C Nylåna, 4.302
I am Abolfazl Rafiepour, PhD in mathematics education. I used to be a teacher of mathematics for 12 years. I have also 12 years of teaching experience at university level. I mostly work pre-service and in-service teacher education during my teaching experience at the university level. Beside that I taught several math courses for engineering students. I Published 32 journal papers (6 indexed in Scopus, 3 indexed in Web of Science, and 2 are JCR 9 in international refereed journals in English and 26 in national refereed journals in Persian. I also Published 31 journal article in magazine (in Persian). I Presented 61 papers at national conferences and 24 papers at international conference. I Supervisor of one PhD student, advisor of three PhD students, supervisor of 31 master students and advisor of 10 master students in the field of mathematics education. I organized and co-operated with several research projects in Iran, Australia, Canada and Norway. I served as the head of Mathematics Education Research Group in Mahani Mathematical Research Center, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. I also work as coordinator of national research project about " School Mathematics Curriculum Standards" , with corporation of Iranian Mathematics Society & Iran National Science Foundation.

  • math2002/2003
  • R& D BachelorsThesis,
  • Master Thesis.
  • Technology & Mathematics Education,
  • Concepts and Teaching Methods of Primary Mathematics,
  • Mathematics Education 1 & 2,
  • Mathematics 1 & 2 (Calculus 1 & 2),
  • New Trends in Research at High School Mathematics Education,
  • Technology & Mathematics Education.
  • Modeling and Application in Mathematics Education,
  • Research Method (for post graduate students),
  • Principal of Mathematics Education,
  • Psychology of Mathematics Education.
  • I have had teaching experience in other universities such as Farhangian Teacher Training University in Kerman, Iran Kharazmi University, Alborz, Iran Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran and Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

  • Programming in Mathematics Textbooks. (Co-operate with other colleagues from Nord university) Nord university, Norway. 2022.
  • As a member of research group of Social justice and diversity in education, I co-operate with Dr. Hege Myhre on gender perspectives in teacher education. Nord university, Norway. 2022.
  • Computational Thinking Project. (Co-operate with Professor Dr. George Gadanidis and other Canadian colleagues from Western university and Brock university) Western University, Ontario, Canada. 2017-2018.
  • Authentic Programming-based Mathematical Tasks. (Co-operate with Professor Dr. Chantal Buteau and other Canadian colleagues from Brock university) Brock University, Ontario, Canada. 2017-2018.
  • List of Project in Australia 2008-2009:

    • Coordinator of national research project about " School Mathematics Curriculum Standards" , with corporation of Iranian Mathematics Society & Iran National Science Foundation. 2020-2022. (More than 50 mathematics educators and mathematicians working together in this national research project).
    • " Developing mathematical conceptual Understanding" (leader of project). Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Mahani Mathematics Research Centre, Kerman, Iran. (2018-2020).
    • " Investigating Factors that influenced Students Performance in solving none routine Problem related to proportion: Gender, Grade, and Type of School" (leader of project). Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Mahani Mathematics Research Centre, Kerman, Iran. 2012.
    • " Introducing a Model for Developing Professional Knowledge of Teachers of Mathematics" (leader of project). Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Mahani Mathematics Research Centre, Kerman, Iran. 2011.
    • " Iranian Students' Mathematical Performance in comparative study" , (leader of project). Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. 2006.
