Anders Christoffer Edstrøm
The 'new superpower': what are China's intentions in the Arctic? Norway’s Arctic Policy: Geopolitics, Security and Identity in the High North 2023, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 95-108 Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer; Stensdal, Iselin; Heggelund, Gørild
Den «nye supermakten»: Hva vil Kina i Arktis? 2020, Internasjonal Politikk: Volum 78 s. 523-534 Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer; Stensdal, Iselin; Heggelund, Gørild
China’s interest in the Arctic seen from the perspectives: Nationally 2024, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
Presentasjon for Stortingets Arktiske delegasjon 2024, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
Chinese Investments in the Arctic: How to Understand them? 2024, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
ArcGov and PhD projects – Chinese Arctic Investments 2023, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
Influence Through Investments – China in the Arctic 2023, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
China in the Arctic: External Influence on Regional Governance 2023, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
Arctic Business and Societal Development 2023, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
Kina i Arktis 2023, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
PhD Thesis under the Research Project ArcGov 2022, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer
State of the art on Chinese investments - ArcGov 2022, Edstrøm, Anders Christoffer