Galice Guillaume Hoarau
Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur
Genome analysis reveals three distinct lineages of the cosmopolitan white shark 2024, Current Biology: Volum 34 Wagner, Clara Isabel; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Bal, Mattheus Peter; Lizano, Apollo Marco Dalonos; Choo, Le Qin
Thermal priming of Saccharina latissima: a promising strategy to improve seaweed production and restoration in future climates 2024, Marine Ecology Progress Series: Volum 745 Gauci, Clement; Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Khatei, Ananya; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Bartsch, Inka
Evolutionary genomics of the emergence of brown algae as key components of coastal ecosystems 2024, Cell: Volum 187 Denoeud, France; Godfroy, Olivier; Cruaud, Corinne; Heesch, Svenja; Nehr, Zofia; Tadrent, Nachida
Exploring the nuclear genome of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) 2023, Wagner, Clara Isabel; Noble, Leslie Robert; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Catherine, Jones
Characteristics of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) nuclear genome 2023, G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics: Volum 13 s. 1-10 Wagner, Clara Isabel; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Thorburn, James; Jones, Catherine S.; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Noble, Leslie Robert
Calanus helgolandicus-more than a guest in the north? 2023, Journal of Plankton Research: Volum 45 s. 33-36 Schultz, Mads; Choquet, Marvin ; Tverberg, Vigdis; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Genome-wide phylogeography reveals cryptic speciation in the circumglobal planktonic calcifier Limacina bulimoides 2023, Molecular Ecology: Choo, Le Qin; Spagliardi, G; Malinsky, M; Choquet, Marvin; Goetze, Erica; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Evolutionary dynamics of sex-biased gene expression in a young XY system: insights from the brown alga genus Fucus 2023, New Phytologist: Volum 238 s. 422-437 Hatchett, William John; Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Coyer, James A.; Coelho, Susana M.; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Unmasking microsatellite deceptiveness and debunking hybridization with SNPs in four marine copepod species of Calanus 2023, Molecular Ecology: s. 6854-6873 Choquet, Marvin ; Lizano, Apollo Marco Dalonos; Le Moan, Alan; Ravinet, Mark; Dhanasiri, Anusha; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Mapping Marine Macroalgae along the Norwegian Coast Using Hyperspectral UAV Imaging and Convolutional Nets for Semantic Segmentation 2023, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings: Skjelvareid, Martin Hansen; Rinde, Eli; Hancke, Kasper; Blix, Katalin; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Insights into the species evolution of Calanus copepods in the northern seas revealed by de novo transcriptome sequencing 2022, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 12 Lizano, Apollo Marco Dalonos; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Choquet, Marvin ; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
A review of reproduction in the seaweed genus Fucus (Ochrophyta, Fucales): Background for renewed consideration as a model organism 2022, Frontiers in Marine Science: Volum 9 Hatchett, William John; Coyer, James A.; Sjøtun, Kjersti; Jueterbock, Alexander; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Seasonal Enzyme Activities of Sympatric Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus in the High-Arctic 2022, Frontiers in Marine Science: Volum 9 Hatlebakk, Maja K Viddal; Niehoff, Barbara; Choquet, Marvin ; Hop, Haakon; Wold, Anette; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Adaptation of temperate seagrass to Arctic light relies on seasonal acclimatization of carbon capture and metabolism 2021, Frontiers in Plant Science: Volum 12 Jueterbock, Alexander; Duarte, Bernardo; Coyer, James A.; Olsen, Jeanine L; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna
Population and seascape genomics of a critically endangered benthic elasmobranch, the blue skate Dipturus batis 2021, Evolutionary Applications: Volum 15 s. 78-94 Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Frost, Michelle; Bendall, Victoria; Hetherington, Stuart; Stirling, David; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
The microbiome of the habitat-forming brown alga Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae) has similar cross-Atlantic structure that reflects past and present drivers 2021, Journal of Phycology: Volum 57 -1681 Capistrant-Fossa, Kyle A.; Morrison, Hilary; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Quigley, Charlotte; Morozov, Aleksey; Serrão, Ester A.
Novel genomic resources for shelled pteropods: a draft genome and target capture probes for Limacina bulimoides, tested for cross-species relevance 2020, BMC Genomics: Volum 21 Choo, Le Qin; Bal, Thijs M.P.; Choquet, Marvin ; Smolina, Irina V.; Ramos-Silva, Paula; Marletaz, Ferdinand
Proteomic and transcriptomic patterns during lipid remodeling in nannochloropsis gaditana 2020, International Journal of Molecular Sciences: Volum 21 s. 1-23 Hulatt, Christopher Jonathan; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Dowle, Adam; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Vasanth, Ghana Kalerammana; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
The Seagrass Methylome Is Associated With Variation in Photosynthetic Performance Among Clonal Shoots 2020, Frontiers in Plant Science: Volum 11 Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Boström, Christoffer; Coyer, James A.; Olsen, Jeanine L; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Dhanasiri, Anusha
The complete mitochondrial genome of the blue skate Dipturus batis 2020, Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources: Volum 5 s. 2488-2489 Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Schwanck, Tanja; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Jones, Catherine S; Noble, Leslie Robert
No evidence for hybridization between Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus glacialis in a subarctic area of sympatry 2020, Limnology and Oceanography: Choquet, Marvin; Burckard, Gauthier; Skreslet, Stig; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Søreide, Janne E.
Towards population genomics in non-model species with large genomes: a case study of the marine zooplankton Calanus finmarchicus 2019, Royal Society Open Science: Volum 6 Choquet, Marvin ; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Dhanasiri, Anusha Krishanthi Shyama; Blanco-Bercial, Leocadio; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver
New insights into Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus distribution, life histories and physiology in high-latitude seas 2019, Nord universitet: Hatlebakk, Maja K Viddal; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Søreide, Janne; Niehoff, Barbara; Graeve, Martin
Can morphology reliably distinguish between the copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis, or is DNA the only way? 2018, Limnology and Oceanography : Methods: Volum 16 s. 237-252 Choquet, Marvin ; Kosobokova, Ksenia; Kwaśniewski, Sławomir; Hatlebakk, Maja Karoline Viddal; Dhanasiri, Anusha Krishanthi Shyama; Melle, Webjørn Raunsgård
Decadal stability in genetic variation and structure in the intertidal seaweed Fucus serratus (Heterokontophyta: Fucaceae) 2018, BMC Evolutionary Biology: Volum 18 Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Coyer, James A.; Olsen, Jeanine L; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Genetics redraws pelagic biogeography of Calanus 2017, Biology Letters: Volum 13 Choquet, Marvin Raoul Charles Roger Ren; Hatlebakk, Maja Karoline Viddal; Dhanasiri, Anusha Krishanthi Shyama; Kosobokova, Ksenia N.; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Søreide, Janne
The complete mitochondrial genome of the copepod Calanus glacialis 2017, Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources: Volum 2 Choquet, Marvin Raoul Charles Roger Ren; Bengtsson-Palme, Johan; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Alves Monteiro, Homére
Dispersal similarly shapes both population genetics and community patterns in the marine realm 2016, Scientific Reports: Volum 6:28730 Chust, Guillem; Villarino, Ernesto; Chenuil, Anne; Irigoien, Xabier; Bizsel, Nihayet; Bode, Antonio
Reduced up-regulation of gene expression in response to elevated temperatures in the mid-Atlantic population of Calanus finmarchicus 2016, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology: Volum 485 s. 88-93 Smolina, Irina; Harmer, Rachel A.; Lindeque, Penelope; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Variation in thermal stress response in two populations of the brown seaweed, Fucus distichus, from the Arctic and subarctic intertidal 2016, Royal Society Open Science: Volum 3 Smolina, Irina; Kollias, Spyridon; Jüterbock, Alexander; Coyer, James A.; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
The fate of the Arctic seaweed Fucus distichus under climate change: an ecological niche modeling approach 2016, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 6 s. 1712-1724 Jüterbock, Alexander; Smolina, Irina; Coyer, James A.; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Pre-zygotic isolation in the macroalgal genus Fucus from four contact zones spanning 100–10 000 years: a tale of reinforcement? 2015, Royal Society Open Science: Volum 2:140538 Hoarau, Galice; Coyer, James A.; Giesbers, M. C. W. G.; Jüterbock, Alexander; Olsen, Jeanine L.
Calanus in the North Atlantic: species identification, stress response, and population genetic structure 2015, Smolina, Irina; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Bucklin, Ann
Low cost sequencing of mitogenomes from museum samples using baits capture and Ion Torrent 2015, Conservation Genetics Resources: Volum 7 s. 345-348 Kollias, Spyros; Poortvliet, Marloes; Smolina, Irina; Hoarau, Galice
Contrasting transcriptome response to thermal stress in two key zooplankton species, Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis 2015, Marine Ecology Progress Series: Volum 534 s. 79-93 Smolina, Irina; Kollias, Spyros; Møller, Eva Friis; Lindeque, Penelope K.; Sundaram, Arvind; Fernandes, Jorge
Biodiversity mediates top-down control in eelgrass ecosystems: a global comparative-experimental approach 2015, Ecology Letters: Volum 18 s. 696-705 Duffy, J. Emmett; Reynolds, Pamela L.; Boström, Christoffer; Coyer, James A.; Cusson, Mathieu; Donadi, Serena
A dated molecular phylogeny of manta and devil rays (Mobulidae) based on mitogenome and nuclear sequences 2015, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: Volum 83 s. 72-85 Poortvliet, Marloes; Olsen, Jeanine L.; Croll, Donald A; Bernardi, Giacomo; Newton, Kelly; Kollias, Spyros
Live discrimination of Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus females: can we trust phenological differences? 2014, Marine Biology: Volum 161 s. 1299-1306 Nielsen, Torkel Gissel; Kjellerup, Sanne; Smolina, Irina; Hoarau, Galice; Lindeque, Penelope
Genome- and transcriptome-assisted development of nuclear insertion/deletion markers for Calanus species (Copepoda: Calanoida) identification 2014, Molecular Ecology Resources: Volum 14 s. 1072-1079 Smolina, Irina; Kollias, Spyros; Poortvliet, Marloes; Nielsen, Torkel Gissel; Lindeque, Penelope; Castellani, Claudia
Thermal stress resistance of the brown alga Fucus serratus along the North-Atlantic coast: Acclimatization potential to climate change 2014, Marine Genomics: Volum 13 s. 27-36 Jüterbock, Alexander; Kollias, Spyros; Smolina, Irina; Fernandes, Jorge; Coyer, James A.; Olsen, Jeanine L
Genomic divergence between the migratory and stationary ecotypes of Atlantic cod 2013, Molecular Ecology: Volum 22 s. 5098-5111 Karlsen, Bård Ove; Klingan, Kevin; Emblem, Åse; Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Jüterbock, Alexander; Furmanek, Tomasz
Phylogeny and temporal divergence of the seagrass family Zosteraceae using one nuclear and three chloroplast loci 2013, Systematics and Biodiversity: Volum 11 s. 271-284 Coyer, James A.; Hoarau, Galice; Kuo, John; Tronholm, Ana; Veldsink, Jan; Olsen, Jeanine L.
Improving Transferability of Introduced Species' Distribution Models: New Tools to Forecast the Spread of a Highly Invasive Seaweed 2013, PLOS ONE: Volum 8 Verbruggen, Heroen; Tyberghein, Lennert; Belton, Gareth S.; Mineur, Frederic; Jüterbock, Alexander; Hoarau, Galice
Climate change impact on seaweed meadow distribution in the North Atlantic rocky intertidal 2013, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 3 s. 1356-1373 Jüterbock, Alexander; Tyberghein, Lennert; Verbruggen, Heroen; Coyer, James A.; Olsen, Jeanine L.; Hoarau, Galice
Genetic structure and distribution of Gelidium elegans (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) in Korea based on mitochondrial cox1 sequence data 2012, Aquatic Botany: Volum 98 s. 27-33 Kim, Kywong Mi; Hoarau, Galice; Boo, Sung Min
Introduced or glacial relict? Phylogeography of the cryptogenic tunicate Molgula manhattensis (Ascidiacea, Pleurogona) 2011, Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography: Volum 17 s. 68-80 Haydar, Deniz; Hoarau, Galice; Olsen, Jeanine L; Stam, Wytze T; Wolff, W.J.
Trans-Pacific and trans-Arctic pathways of the intertidal macroalga Fucus distichus L. reveal multiple glacial refugia and colonizations from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic 2011, Journal of Biogeography: Volum 38 s. 756-771 Coyer, James A.; Hoarau, Galice; Van Schaik, Jaap; Luijckx, Pepijn; Olsen, Jeanine L
Evolution and diversification within the intertidal brown macroalgae Fucus spiralis/F. vesiculosus species complex in the North Atlantic 2011, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: Volum 58 s. 283-296 Coyer, James A.; Hoarau, Galice; Costa, Joana F.; Hogerdijk, Baas; Serrão, Ester A.; Billard, E.
Genomic scans detect signatures of selection along a salinity gradient in populations of the intertidal seaweed Fucus serratus on a 12 km scale 2011, Marine Genomics: Volum 4 s. 41-49 Coyer, James A.; Hoarau, Galice; Pearson, Gareth A.; Mota, C.; Jüterbock, Alexander; Alpermann, T.
Microsatellite analysis of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the NE Atlantic: weak genetic structuring in a milieu of high gene flow 2010, Marine Biology: Volum 157 s. 15 Was, Anna; Gosling, Elizabeth; Hoarau, Galice
The phylogeographic architecture of the fucoid seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum: an intertidal 'marine tree' and survivor of more than one glacial-interglacial cycle 2010, Journal of Biogeography: Volum 37 s. 842-856 Olsen, Jeanine L; Zechman, Frederick; Hoarau, Galice; Coyer, James A.; Stam, Wytze T; Valero, Myriam
Comparison of Explainable Machine Learning Methods for Marine Vegetation Mapping by Using Hyperspectral Imagery 2024, Blix, Katalin; García-Jimenez, Jorge; Ruescas, Ana Belén; Amoros, Julia; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Rinde, Eli
Mapping shallow-water maerl beds with UAV hyperspectral imaging - using convolutional neural nets for image segmentation based on both spectra and texture 2024, Skjelvareid, Martin Hansen; Rinde, Eli; Hancke, Kasper; Kile, Maia Røst; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Blix, Katalin
The MASSIMAL dataset: High-resolution UAV hyperspectral images of shallow-water habitats with ground truth observations and annotations 2024, Skjelvareid, Martin Hansen; Rinde, Eli; Hancke, Kasper; Blix, Katalin; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Mapping seagrass and rockweed habitats using UAV hyperspectral imaging and machine learning. 2023, Skjelvareid, Martin; Blix, Katalin; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Rinde, Eli; Hancke, Kasper
Shallow water habitat mapping using UAV hyperspectral imaging 2023, Skjelvareid, Martin; Blix, Katalin; Rinde, Eli; Hancke, Kasper; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Underwater vegetation mapping based on UAV hyperspectral imaging - a potential use case for semantic segmentation through deep learning 2022, Skjelvareid, Martin; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Rinde, Eli; Hancke, Kasper; Blix, Katalin
No evidence for hybridization in Calanus: Reply to the comment by Parent et al. 2021, Limnology and Oceanography: Volum 66 s. 3603-3606 Choquet, Marvin ; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Endangered Coastal Elasmobranchs of the North-East Atlantic Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences 2020, Elsevier: Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Wagner, Clara Isabel; Schwanck, Tanja; Wood, Fenella; Jones, Catherine S; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Millioner i støtte til havforskning:
- Forskning på havet, og det som er i havet, er kjempeviktig for at vi skal kunne utvikle oss fremover 2020, Bye, Hilde-Gunn; Skjelvareid, Martin Hansen; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Banebrytende forskning for et rent og rikt hav 2020, Eriksen, Svein-Arnt; Skjelvareid, Martin Hansen; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume
Functional role of epigenetic variation in seagrass under heat stress 2019, Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Hoarau, Galice
Functional relevance of epigenetic variation in seagrass under heat stress 2019, Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Reusch, T.B.H.; Boström, Christoffer; Olsen, Jeanine L; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna
Is epigenetic variation the key to success in seagrass clones? 2018, Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Hoarau, Galice; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Dhanasiri, Anusha Krishanthi Shyama; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna
Epigenetic variation in seagrass clones - key to success without epigenetic variation? 2018, Hoarau, Galice; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver
Genomic effects of fishery-induced selection in guppy Poecilia reticulate 2017, Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Diaz Pauli, Beatriz; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Heino, Mikko Petteri
Epigenetic variation in seagrass clones 2017, Jüterbock, Alexander Oliver; Hoarau, Galice; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Smolina, Irina Vladimirovna; Dhanasiri, Anusha Krishanthi Shyama
Genome-wide gene,c varia,on in popula,ons of Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis across their distribu,onal ranges 2015, Smolina, Irina; Choquet, Marvin; Kopp, Martina; Bucklin, Ann; Hoarau, Galice
Transcriptome response to thermal stress in two key zooplankton species, Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis 2014, Smolina, Irina; Kollias, Spyros; Møller, Eva Friis; Lindeque, Penelope; Hoarau, Galice
Erratum to: Live discrimination of Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus females: can we trust phenological differences? 2014, Marine Biology: Nielsen, Torkel Gissel; Kjellerup, Sanne; Smolina, Irina; Hoarau, Galice; Lindeque, Penelope
Genome- and transcriptome-assisted development of InDel markers for solving identification challenge of calanoid copepode Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis 2013, Smolina, Irina; Kollias, Spyros; Nielsen, Torkel Gissel; Lindeque, Penelope; Hoarau, Galice
Responses of the macroalgal key species Fucus serratus driving the impact of climate change on North Atlantic rocky shores 2012, Jüterbock, Alexander; Coyer, Jim A.; Tyberghein, Lennert; Olsen, Jeanine L.; Hoarau, Galice
Responses of the intertidal key species Fucus serratus to North Atlantic warming 2011, Jüterbock, Alexander; Coyer, Jim A.; Tyberghein, Lennert; Olsen, Jeanine L.; Hoarau, Galice