Giuseppe Grossi
Translating social sustainability goals into performance measurement practices 2025, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management: Argento, Daniela; Brorström, Sara; Grossi, Giuseppe
Handbook of Accounting and Public Governance: Exploring Hybridizations 2024, Edward Elgar Publishing: Grossi, Giuseppe; Vakkuri, Jarmo
Accounting for hybrid organizations: the interplay between hybridity and non-financial reporting 2024, Husanboy, Ahunov; Grossi, Giuseppe; de Villiers, Charl; Aleksandrov, Evgenii
Accounting and accountability for managing diversity tensions in hybrid organisations 2024, The British Accounting Review: Grossi, Giuseppe; Laguecir, Aziza; Ferry, Laurence; Tucker, Basil
Smart cities at the intersection of public governance paradigms for sustainabilit 2024, Urban Studies: Volum 61 s. 2011-2023 Grossi, Giuseppe; Welinder, Olga
Digital transformation in public sector auditing: between hope and fear 2024, Public Management Review: Volodina, Tamara; Grossi, Giuseppe
New development: The role of education in public sector accounting reforms in emerging economies: a socio-material perspective 2023, Public Money & Management: s. 762-768 Schuler, Christoph; Grossi, Giuseppe; Fuchs, Sandro
New development: The shift of public sector auditing under the influence of institutional logics—the case of European Court of Auditors 2023, Public Money & Management: Volum 43 s. 378-381 Grossi, Giuseppe; Hancu-Budui, Andreea; Zorio-Grima, Ana
Changing the boundaries of public sector auditing 2023, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management: Volum 35 s. 417-430 Grossi, Giuseppe; Hay, David C.; Kuruppu, Gowindage Chamara Jayanath; Neely, Daniel
Supportive leadership and job satisfaction at the European Court of Auditors 2023, International Review of Administrative Sciences: Uman, Timur; Argento, Daniela; Grossi, Giuseppe; Mattei, Giorgia
"The changing roles of internal auditors in the Ukrainian central government" 2022, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change: Volodina, Tamara; Grossi, Giuseppe; Vakulenko, Veronika
Rankings for smart city dialogue? Opening up a critical scrutiny 2022, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management: Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Dybtsyna, Elena; Grossi, Giuseppe; Bourmistrov, Anatoli
Through the prism of cognition: exploration of local political leaders’ behaviour during incented voluntary municipal amalgamation 2022, Local Government Studies: Volum 49 s. 975-999 Vakulenko, Veronika; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Actorhood of the European Court of Auditors: a visual analysis 2022, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management: Uman, Timur; Argento, Daniela; Mattei, Giorgia; Grossi, Giuseppe
Standardizing local governments’ audit reports: for better or for worse? 2022, Public Money & Management: Bisogno, Marco; Grossi, Giuseppe; Manes-Rossi, Francesca; Santis, Serena
Academic entrepreneurial hybrids: Accounting and accountability in the case of MegaRide 2022, The British Accounting Review: Volum 54 Spanò, Rosanna; Grossi, Giuseppe; Landi, Giovanni Catello
The journey of participatory budgeting: a systematic literature review and future research directions 2022, International Review of Administrative Sciences: Bartocci, Luca; Grossi, Giuseppe; Mauro, Sara Giovanna; Ebdon, Carol
Smartocracy: Context entanglement of the smart city idea and bureaucracy in Russia 2022, Organization Studies: Khodachek, Igor Aleksandrovich; Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Nazarova, Nadezda; Grossi, Giuseppe; Bourmistrov, Anatoli
The future of public sector accounting research. A polyphonic debate 2022, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management: Grossi, Giuseppe; Steccolini, Ileana; Adhikari, Pawan; Brown, Judy; Christensen, Mark; Cordery, Carolyn
The fate of accounting for public governance development 2022, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volum 35 s. 272-303 Grossi, Giuseppe; Argento, Daniela
The intersection between ‘The Audit Society’ and public sector corruption and fraud: – a literature review and future research agenda 2022, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management: D’Andreamatteo, Antonio; Grossi, Giuseppe; Mattei, Giorgia; Sargiacomo, Massimo
Autonomy Without Accountability in Resource Allocation Reforms: Blending Old and New Logic in Universities 2022, Central European Management Journal: Volum 30 s. 43-82 Górska, Anna; Pikos, Anna; Dobija, Dorota; Grossi, Giuseppe
The role of multiple values in developing management accounting practices in hybrid organisations 2021, The British Accounting Review: s. 1-20 Campanale, Cristina; Cinquini, Lino; Grossi, Giuseppe
Toward Outcome-based
Approaches in Higher
Education in Two Nordic
Countries Public Sector Reform and Performance Management in Developed Economies: Outcomes-Based Approaches in Practice 2021, Routledge: s. 248-270 Grossi, Giuseppe; Lövstål, Eva; Mauro, Sara Giovanna; Sinervo, Lotta-Maria
Public appointments as a tool for public governance: a systematic literature review 2021, International Journal of Public Sector Management: Volum 34 s. 171-188 Cocciasecca, Simone; Grossi, Giuseppe; Sancino, Alessandro
The gradual corporatization of transport infrastructure: The Danish case 2021, Public Administration: Christensen, Lene Tolstrup; Grossi, Giuseppe
Accounting, performance and accountability challenges in hybrid organisations: a value creation perspective 2021, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Grossi, Giuseppe; Vakkuri, Jarmo; Sargiacomo, Massimo
Getting through COVID-19 together: Understanding local governments' social media communication 2021, Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning: Volum 121 Gorska, Anna; Dobija, Dorota; Grossi, Giuseppe; Staniszewska, Zuzanna
Dialogic accounting through popular reporting and digital platforms 2021, Meditari Accountancy Research: Volum 29 Grossi, Giuseppe; Biancone, Paolo Pietro; Secinaro, Silvana; Brescia, Valerio
Implementation of the international public sector accounting standards in Europe. Variations on a global theme 2021, Accounting Forum: Polzer, Tobias; Grossi, Giuseppe; Reichard, Christoph
Exploring past, present and future trends in public sector auditing research: a literature review 2021, Meditari Accountancy Research: Mattei, Giorgia; Grossi, Giuseppe; Guthrie A.M, James
Institutional logic and scholars' reactions to performance measurement in universities 2021, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volum 34 s. 104-130 Kallio, Kirsi-Mari; Kallio, Tomi J.; Grossi, Giuseppe; Engblom, Janne
Migration and the neoliberal state: accounting ethics in the Italian response to the refugee crisis 2021, Accounting Forum: Pianezzi, Daniela; Cinquini, Lino; Grossi, Giuseppe; Sargiacomo, Massimo
The disillusion of calculative practices in academia 2020, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management: Volum 17 s. 1-17 Argento, Daniela; Dobija, Dorota; Grossi, Giuseppe
Reverse decoupling: Ukrainian case of healthcare financing system reform 2020, International Journal of Public Sector Management: Volum 33 s. 519-534 Vakulenko, Veronika; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Budgetary responses to a global pandemic: international experiences and lessons for a sustainable future 2020, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management: Volum 32 s. 737-744 Grossi, Giuseppe; Ho, Alfred T.; Joyce, Philip G.
A Public Management Perspective on Smart cities: ‘Urban auditing’ for management, governance and accountability 2020, Public Management Review: Volum 22 s. 633-647 Grossi, Giuseppe; Meijer, Albert; Sargiacomo, Massimo
Investigation of communication in budgetary accountability routines 2020, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management: Volum 17 Mutiganda, Jean Claude; Grossi, Giuseppe; Hassel, Lars
Investigating the implementation of and accountability in PPPs: a case study in public water management 2020, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies: Volum 11 Mutiganda, Jean Claude; Skoog, Matti; Grossi, Giuseppe
Performance budgeting as a “creative distraction” of accountability relations in one Russian municipality 2020, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies: Volum 10 Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Logics and Practices of Board Appointments in Hybrid Organizations: The Case of Swedish State-Owned Enterprises Managing Hybrid Organizations
Governance, Professionalism and Regulation 2019, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 157-178 Alexious, Susanna; Örnberg, Jenny Cisneros; Grossi, Giuseppe
The impact of institutional pressures and logics on the use of performance measurement practices in hybrid universities 2019, Public Performance and Management Review: Grossi, Giuseppe; Dobija, Dorota; Strzelczyk, Wojtek
Rational and symbolic uses of performance measurement: Experiences from Polish universities 2019, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volum 32 s. 750-781 Dobija, Dorota; Gorska, Anna; Grossi, Giuseppe; Strzelczyk, Wojtek
Towards a hybrid logic of participatory budgeting 2019, International Journal of Public Sector Management: Volum 32 s. 65-79 Bartocci, Luca; Grossi, Giuseppe; Mauro, Sara Giovanna
Glocalization of accounting standards: Observations on neo-institutionalism of IPSAS 2019, Public Money & Management: Volum 39 s. 95-103 Baskerville, Rachel; Grossi, Giuseppe
Accounting, performance management systems and accountability changes in knowledge-intensive public organizations: A literature review and research agenda 2019, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Grossi, Giuseppe; Kallio, Kirsi-Mari; Sargiacomo, Massimo; Skoog, Matti
Drivers for the voluntary adoption of consolidated financial statements in local governments 2019, Public Money & Management: Santis, Serena; Grossi, Giuseppe; Bisogno, Marco
Sustainability disclosures of hybrid organizations: Swedish state-owned enterprises 2019, Meditari Accountancy Research: Volum 27 s. 505-533 Argento, Daniela; Grossi, Giuseppe; Persson, Kamilla; Vingren, Theres
Governmentality and performance for the smart city 2019, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volum 33 s. 204-232 Argento, Daniela; Grossi, Giuseppe; Jaaskelainen, Aki; Servalli, Stefania; Suomala, Petri
Unintended consequences in implementing public sector accounting reforms in emerging economies: evidence from Egypt, Nepal and Sri Lanka 2019, International Review of Administrative Sciences: Adhikari, Pawan; Kuruppu, Gowindage Chamara Jayanath; Ouda, Hassan; Grossi, Giuseppe; Ambalangodage, Dayananda
Between patronage and good governance: organizational arrangements in (local) public appointments processes”, International Review of Administrative Sciences 2018, International Review of Administrative Sciences: Volum 85 s. 785-802 Sancino, Alessandro; Sicilia, Mariafrancesca; Grossi, Giuseppe
Opening Smart City ‘fairy tale’ to Critical Scrutiny: insights from dialogic accounting literature Proceedings of 54th ISOCARP Congress Bodø, Norway, October 1-5, 2018. Cool planning: changing climate & our urban future 2018, s. 1403-1430 Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Dybtsyna, Elena; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Setting consolidated reporting standards for local government 2018, Public Money & Management: Volum 38 s. 483-492 Brusca, Isabel; Grossi, Giuseppe; Manes-Rossi, Francesca
Converging and diverging pressures in PBB development: the experiences of Finland and Sweden 2018, Public Management Review: Grossi, Giuseppe; Mauro, Sara Giovanna; Vakkuri, Jarmo
Public sector consolidated financial statements: a structured literature review 2018, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management: Volum 30 s. 230-251 Santis, Serena; Grossi, Giuseppe; Bisogno, Marco
External Pressures and Internal Dynamics in the Institutionalization of Performance-Based Budgeting: An Endless Process? 2018, Public Performance and Management Review: Volum 41 s. 224-252 Mauro, Sara Giovanna; Cinquini, Lino; Grossi, Giuseppe
The enabling role of institutional entrepreneurs in the adoption of IPSAS within a transitional economy: The case of Estonia 2018, Public Administration and Development: Volum 38 s. 39-49 Argento, Daniela; Peda, Peeter; Grossi, Giuseppe
Corruption in migration management: a network perspective 2018, International Review of Administrative Sciences: Pianezzi, Daniela; Grossi, Giuseppe
Translating sustainable and smart city strategies into performance measurement systems 2018, Public Money & Management: Volum 38 s. 193-202 Brorström, Sara; Argento, Daniela; Grossi, Giuseppe; Thomasson, Anna; Almqvist, Roland
Participatory budgeting as a form of dialogic accounting in Russia: actors’ institutional work and reflexivity trap 2018, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volum 31 s. 1098-1123 Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Addressing the challenges of sustainable public financial management and social sustainability during crises 2024, Vakulenko, Veronika; Grossi, Giuseppe
Institutionalizing SDGs Audit in Emerging Economies: an institutional entrepreneur perspective 2024, Vakulenko, Veronika; Grossi, Giuseppe; BRACCI, Enrico; Otia, Javis
Accounting for Democracy: Genealogies of political calculations in early Russo-Ukrainian war 2024, Vakulenko, Veronika; Grossi, Giuseppe; Bruns, Hans-Jürgen
Changing the boundaries of public sector auditing 2024, Grossi, Giuseppe
Institutional logics and hybridity 2023, Grossi, Giuseppe
Smart City Standard 2023, Khodachek, Igor; Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Nazarova, Nadezda; Grossi, Giuseppe
Smart Cities for the High North? Mapping initiatives in Norway, Russia, Finland, and North America 2023, Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Khodachek, Igor; Dybtsyna, Elena; Nazarova, Nadezda; Middleton, Alexandra; Raspotnik, Andreas
Contemporary development of institutional theory 2023, Grossi, Giuseppe
Multilevel Financial Responses Supporting Ukraine’s Fight for Democracy 2022, PA Times: Grossi, Giuseppe; Vakulenko, Veronika
Measuring and visualizing performance in smart cities 2022, Grossi, Giuseppe
Getting Value from Public Sector Auditing in the Age of Digital Transformation: The Norwegian Case 2022, Volodina, Tamara; Grossi, Giuseppe
Institutional logics in hybrid organizations 2021, Grossi, Giuseppe
Roundtable – SMART TO BE: Future Smart Cities and Communities 2021, Grossi, Giuseppe; Nazarova, Nadezda; Bourmistrov, Anatoli
Accounting for Whom and what direction?: opening smart city rankings to critical scrutiny 2020, Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Dybtsyna, Elena; Grossi, Giuseppe; Bourmistrov, Anatoli
Institutional entrepreneurs and stakeholders’ involvement in shaping global public sector accounting standards in New Zealand 2019, Argento, Daniela; Baskerville, Rachel; Grossi, Giuseppe
Who is controlling what for whom in hybrid organizations? A case study of the institutional work of controlling a modern state-owned enterprise 2019, Tolstrup Christensen, Lene; Grossi, Giuseppe
Implementation of IPSAS in Europe. Local Reactions to Global Accounting Standards as a Challenge for Comparability 2019, Polzer, Tobias; Grossi, Giuseppe; Reichard, Christoph
Embedding multiple values in performance measurement of hybrid organizations 2019, Campanale, Cristina; Cinquini, Lino; Grossi, Giuseppe
Actorhood of the European Court of Auditors: visual analyses 2019, Mattei, Giorgia; Umans, Timurs; Grossi, Giuseppe
Investigating The Implementation of and Accountability In PPPs: A Case-Study In Public Water Management 2019, Mutiganda, Jean Claude; Grossi, Giuseppe; Skoog, Matti
Supportive Leadership and job satisfaction at the European Court of Auditores 2019, Umans, Timurs; Argento, Daniela; Grossi, Giuseppe; Mattei, Giorgia
Special issue on accounting and performance management innovations in public sector organizations 2019, Baltic Journal of Management: Volum 14 s. 79-83 Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe; Haldma, Toomas
Smart City financial and performance management: bibliometric literature review 2019, Tabbassum, Rabia; Grossi, Giuseppe; Dybtsyna, Elena
Bibliometric literature review and research agenda on performance measurement in Smart Cities 2019, Tabbassum, Rabia; Grossi, Giuseppe; Dybtsyna, Elena
A public management perspective on smart cities 2019, Grossi, Giuseppe
Performativity for whom? Analysis of Smart City European ranking systems from dialogic perspective 2019, Dybtsyna, Elena; Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Performance budgeting and institutional work as a ‘creative distraction' of accountability relations in a municipality 2018, Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Emerging streams of institutional theory in accounting research: current status and future directions 2018, Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Argento, Daniela; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Performance budgeting as a ‘creative distraction' of accountability relations in Russia 2018, Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe
Opening Smart City ‘fairy tale’ to Critical Scrutiny: insights from dialogic accounting literature 2018, Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Dybtsyna, Elena; Grossi, Giuseppe; Bourmistrov, Anatoli
Opening Smart City to Critical Scrutiny 2018, Aleksandrov, Evgenii; Dybtsyna, Elena; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Grossi, Giuseppe