Hilda Sønsterud
Førsteamanuensis II
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Jeg jobber som logoped og forsker innenfor feltet taleflytvansker (stamming/løpsk tale), og jeg er en aktiv foreleser og kursholder innenfor emnet.
Selv-reparasjon for å komme problemer med forståelighet i forkjøpet: en samtaleanalytisk studie om løpsk tale 2023, NLT - Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift: Volum 41 s. 257-282 Landmark, Anne Marie Dalby; Sikveland, Rein Ove; Sønsterud, Hilda
Personal Appraisals of Support from the perspective of Polish, Slovak and American Children who stutter 2022, Logopaedica Lodziensia: Weidner, Mary; Wesierska, Katarzyna; Lacikova, Hana; Sønsterud, Hilda; Skogdal, Signhild; Åmodt, Kristin
Personal Appraisals Of Support From The Perspective Of American, Norwegian, Polish
And Slovak Children Who Stutter And Their Parents 2022, Logopaedica Lodziensia: s. 279-294 Weidner, Mary; Wesierska, Katarzyna; Lacikova, Hana; Sønsterud, Hilda; Skogdal, Signhild; Åmodt, Kristin
Covert and overt stuttering: Concepts and comparative findings 2022, Journal of Communication Disorders: Volum 99 Sønsterud, Hilda; Howells, Kirsten; Ward, David
What works for whom? Multidimensional individualized stuttering therapy (MIST) 2020, Journal of Communication Disorders: Volum 88:106052 s. 1-20 Sønsterud, Hilda; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Kirmess, Melanie; Ward, David
The working alliance in stuttering treatment: a neglected variable? 2019, International journal of language and communication disorders: s. 1-14 Sønsterud, Hilda; Kirmess, Melanie; Howells, Kirsten; Ward, David; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.
What do people search for in stuttering therapy: Personal goal-setting as a gold standard? 2019, Journal of Communication Disorders: s. 1-15 Sønsterud, Hilda; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Kirmess, Melanie; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Ward, David
Norske normer for OASES-A
– et kartleggingsverktøy for voksne som stammer 2018, Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi: Volum 64 s. 12-19 Nordbø, Bodil; Sønsterud, Hilda; Kirmess, Melanie
Public Attitudes Toward Stuttering in Europe: Within-Country and Between-Country Comparisons 2016, International journal of language and communication disorders: Volum 62 -115 St. Louis, Kenneth; Sønsterud, Hilda; Junuzovic-Zunic, Lejla; Wesierska, Marta
Public attitudes toward - and identification of-cluttering and stuttering in Norway and Puerto Rico. 2014, Journal of Fluency Disorders: Volum 42 s. 21-34 St. Louis, Kenneth; Sønsterud, Hilda; Carlo, Edna; Heitmann, Ragnhild R.; Kvenseth, Helene
En spesialisering innen stamming og løpsk tale - trengs det? 2024, Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi: Sønsterud, Hilda; Bjørvik, Astrid-Tine
Dialogue without barriers. A comprehensive approach to dealing with stuttering 2023, Sønsterud, Hilda; Wesierska, Katarzyna
Initiating repair in conversations involving people with cluttered speech 2023, Sikveland, Rein Ove; Landmark, Anne Marie Dalby; Sønsterud, Hilda
Å repetere uten å eksponere: selv-initiert selv-reparasjon hos personer med løpsk tale 2023, Sikveland, Rein Ove; Landmark, Anne Marie Dalby; Sønsterud, Hilda
Operasjonalisering av stamming. En kvantitativ studie med et ikke-eksperimentelt design 2023, Vinnes, Livia; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Guttormsen, Linn Stokke; Sjøstrand, Åse; Sønsterud, Hilda
Operasjonalisering av stamming. Vurderingen av stammefrekvens med to ulike operasjonaliseringer 2023, Sørtømme, Amanda; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Sønsterud, Hilda; Guttormsen, Linn Stokke; Sjøstrand, Åse
Stammen og løbsk tale : en grundbog 2023, Akademisk Forlag: Fabæch Knudsen, Per; Månsson, Hans; Sønsterud, Hilda
Working alliance & goal setting in stuttering therapy 2023, Sønsterud, Hilda
Cluttering: Etiology, Symptomatology, Identification, and Treatment 2022, Thieme: Scott, Kathleen Scaler; Sønsterud, Hilda; Reichel, Isabella
Minding the body in speech’: Speech performance as embodied adjustment in stuttering therapy. 2022, Sønsterud, Hilda; Costain Schou, Kirsten
Multinational Efforts to Resolve the Puzzle of Cluttering 2022, Reichel, Isabella; Sønsterud, Hilda
Skjult stamming - hvem har definisjonsmakten? 2022, Morgenbladet: Sønsterud, Hilda
Can digital health technology improve outcomes? Assessing BeneTalk, a mobile app for people who stutter 2022, Miller, Ronan; Ward, David; Sønsterud, Hilda
Cluttering and its impact on working life and career choice. 2022, Falck-Pedersen, Turid; Sønsterud, Hilda
Personal Appraisals of Support From the Perspective of American, Norwegian, Polish and Slovak Children Who Stutter and Their Parents 2021, Wesierska, Katarzyna; Sønsterud, Hilda; Skogdal, Signhild; St. Louis, Kenneth
Individualized therapy for adults who stutter: An evaluation on speech and avoidance behaviour 2018, Sønsterud, Hilda; Kirmess, Melanie; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Ward, David
The importance of the working alliance in stuttering therapy:
Client perceptions 2018, Sønsterud, Hilda; Howells, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Ward, David; Kirmess, Melanie
Minding the body in speecy: Individualized therapy for adults who stutter. 2018, Sønsterud, Hilda; Kirmess, Melanie; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Ward, David; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.
Individualized stuttering therapy for adults - what works for whom? 2017, Sønsterud, Hilda; Kirmess, Melanie; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Ward, David
What do people search for in stuttering therapy
-personal goal-setting as a gold standard?
Aim 2017, Sønsterud, Hilda; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Ward, David; Kirmess, Melanie
The working alliance in stuttering therapy: A neglected variable? 2017, Sønsterud, Hilda; Howells, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Feragen, Kristin Judith Billaud; Ward, David; Kirmess, Melanie
Å håndtere stammingen Ord til besvær. Livet med stamming 2017, Abstrakt forlag: Sønsterud, Hilda; Sjøstrand, Åse; Hoff, Karoline
Stammingens skjulte sider - de emosjonelle og sosiale sporene. 2017, Abstrakt forlag: Rappana Olsen, Bennedichte; Sønsterud, Hilda
Hva er stamming? 2017, Abstrakt forlag: Sønsterud, Hilda; Hoff, Karoline
Stuttering impact. Emotional reactions among adults forty five plus. 2015, Olsen, Bennedichte C. R.; Sønsterud, Hilda