Igor Szczepan Babiak

Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur
Bodø, Noatun, B2.092

Bakgrunn // Background

Reproductive biology, genetics, and biotechnology of fish

Kompetanseområder // Field of expertise

Molecular regulation of early development and germline development in fish

Control of fish reproduction

Regulatory RNAs

Undervisning & Veiledning // Tuition, Lecturing & Supervision experiences

Supervision experience:

11 PhD students, 19 MSc students, 5 BSc students, 10 postdoctoral researchers


BI228F Biotechnology

BI210F Molecular Cell Biology

BI132F Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Forskningsinteresser // Research interests

Execution of parental instruction, contained in gametes, into a complex multicellular organism. The regulatory network consists of genome, transcriptome and proteome, which additionally can follow diverse modifications. How do these intricate elements shape the development of an organism at the onset of life?

Structural Organization of S516 Group I Introns in Myxomycetes 2022, Genes: Volum 13 Furulund, Betty Martine Normann; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Babiak, Igor; Haugen, Peik; Johansen, Steinar Daae
Postovulatory maternal transcriptome in Atlantic salmon and its relation to developmental potential of embryos 2019, BMC Genomics: Volum 20 Bizuayehu, Teshome Tilahun; Mommens, Maren; Meenakshi Sundaram, Arvind Yegambaram; Dhanasiri, Anusha Krishanthi Shyama; Babiak, Igor
Proteomics Analysis of Early Developmental Stages of Zebrafish Embryos 2019, International Journal of Molecular Sciences: Volum 20 s. 1-14 Kathiresan, Purushothaman; Das, Prem Prakash; Presslauer, Christopher Edward; Lim, Teck Kwang; Johansen, Steinar Daae; Lin, Qingsong
Dynamics of miRNA transcriptome during gonadal development of zebrafish 2017, Scientific Reports: Volum 7 Presslauer, Christopher Edward; Kopp, Martina; Fernandes, Jorge; Babiak, Igor Szczepan; Bizuayehu, Teshome Tilahun
See-Thru-Gonad zebrafish line: developmental and functional validation 2016, Reproduction: Volum 152 s. 507-517 Presslauer, Christopher Edward; Bizuayehu, Teshome Tilahun; Razmi, Komeil; Fernandes, Jorge; Babiak, Igor
First feed affects the expressions of microRNA and their targets in Atlantic cod 2016, British Journal of Nutrition: Volum 115 s. 1145-1154 Bizuayehu, Teshome Tilahun ; Furmanek, Tomasz; Karlsen, Ørjan; van der Meeren, Terje; Edvardsen, Rolf; Rønnestad, Ivar
In vitro and ex vivo models indicate that the molecular clock in fast skeletal muscle of Atlantic cod is not autonomous 2014, Molecular Biology Reports: Volum 41 s. 6679-6689 Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Kumaratunga, Palawinnage Hiruni Senari; Nagasawa, Kazue; Babiak, Igor; Caipang, Christopher; Fernandes, Jorge
Induced autoimmunity against gonadal proteins affects gonadal development in juvenile zebrafish 2014, PLOS ONE: Volum 9 Presslauer, Christopher; Nagasawa, Kazue; Dahle, Dalia; Babiak, Joanna; Fernandes, Jorge; Babiak, Igor
Daily Rhythmicity of Clock Gene Transcripts in Atlantic Cod Fast Skeletal Muscle 2014, PLOS ONE: Volum 9 Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Kumaratunga, Palawinnage Hiruni Senari; Nagasawa, Kazue; Babiak, Igor; Gianetto, Alessia; Fernandes, Jorge
Circadian rhythmicity and photic plasticity of myosin gene transcription in fast skeletal muscle of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 2014, Marine Genomics: Volum 18 s. 21-29 Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Nagasawa, Kazue; Babiak, Igor; Kumaratunga, Palawinnage Hiruni Senari; Fernandes, Jorge
Biochemical composition and performance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) eggs and larvae obtained from farmed and wild broodstocks 2012, Aquaculture: Volum 324 s. 267-275 Lanes, Carlos Fredrico Ceccon; Bizuayehu, Teshome; Bolla, Sylvie; Camila, Martins; Fernandes, Jorge; Adalto, Bianchini
Differential expression patterns of conserved miRNAs and isomiRs during Atlantic halibut development 2012, BMC Genomics: Volum 13 Bizuayehu, Teshome; Lanes, Carlos Fredrico Ceccon; Furmanek, Tomasz; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Fernandes, Jorge; Johansen, Steinar
Nucleotide Enrichment of Live Feed: A Promising Protocol for Rearing of Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua Larvae 2012, Marine Biotechnology: Volum 14 s. 544-558 Lanes, Carlos Fredrico Ceccon; Bolla, Sylvie; Fernandes, Jorge; Nicolaisen, Ove; Viswanath, Kiron; Babiak, Igor
Karyotyping and cytogenetic mapping of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758) 2012, Animal Genetics: Volum 43 s. 746-752 Ghigliotti, Laura; Fevolden, Svein-Erik; Cheng, C.-H. C; Babiak, Igor; Dettai, A.; Pisano, Eva
Sex-biased miRNA expression in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) brain and gonads 2012, Sexual Development: Volum 6 s. 257-266 Bizuayehu, Teshome; Babiak, Joanna; Norberg, Birgitta; Fernandes, Jorge; Johansen, Steinar; Babiak, Igor
Maternal gene expression in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) and its relation to egg quality 2010, BMC Research Notes: Volum 3 s. 11 Mommens, Maren; Fernandes, Jorge; Bizuayehu, Teshome; Bolla, Sylvie; Johnston, Ian A.; Babiak, Igor
Hydroxymethylation changes during early embryonic development in zebrafish 2020, Nedoluzhko, Artem; Dandara Da Silva Berrutti, Paula; Guimarães, Igo Gomes; Konstantinidis, Ioannis; Babiak, Igor; Fernandes, Jorge Manuel de Oliveira
Growth-associated circulating miRNAs in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus 2018, Fernandes, Jorge Manuel de Oliveira; Wardale, Alex; Podgorniak, Tomasz Krzysztof; Babiak, Igor
Circulating micrornas as potential biomarkers of growth in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) 2018, Wardale, Alex; Podgorniak, Tomasz Krzysztof; Renström, Maria; Babiak, Igor; Fernandes, Jorge Manuel de Oliveira
Transkriptomanalyse av atlantisk torsk - mekanismer for rask vekst 2014, Edvardsen, Rolf; Furmanek, Tomasz; Bizauyehu, Teshome; Babiak, Igor; Chauton, Matilde Skogen; Lie, Kai Kristoffer
The gonadal miRNA transcriptome of Atlantic cod: Does sexual maturation alter the microRNA repertoire? 2013, Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Nagasawa, Kazue; Babiak, Igor; Fernandes, Jorge; Gianetto, Alessia; Sundaram, Arvind
Exploring the transcriptional landscape of the circadian rhythm in the fast skeletal muscle of Atlantic cod using next-generation sequencing technologies 2013, Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Nagasawa, Kazue; Kumaratunga, Hiruni; Babiak, Igor; Kollias, Spyros; Fernandes, Jorge
Photic sensitivity and circadian rhythmicity of the fast muscle transcriptome in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua 2013, Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Nagasawa, Kazue; Kollias, Spyros; Babiak, Igor; Fernandes, Jorge
Is there a circadian rhythm in fast skeletal muscle of Atlantic cod? 2013, Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Kumaratunga, Hiruni; Nagasawa, Kazue; Gianetto, Alessia; Babiak, Igor; Fernandes, Jorge
Photic plasticity of the diverse skeletal muscle myosin family of Atlantic cod 2013, Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Nagasawa, Kazue; Babiak, Igor; Fernandes, Jorge
Gonadal maturation and gene expression changes in sex steroid receptors and aromatase in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L 2011, Nagasawa, Kazue; Presslauer, Christopher; Kirtiklis, Lech; Fernandes, Jorge; Babiak, Igor
Identification of molecular markers for egg quality in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) 2011, Mommens, Maren; Bolla, Sylvie; Fernandes, Jorge; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik; Babiak, Igor
Effects of extender, individual male and sperm-to-egg ratio on cryopreservation success of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) sperm 2011, Marschhauser, Vegard; Ottesen, Oddvar; Rudolfsen, Geir; Eggen, Bjørnar; Babiak, Joanna; Babiak, Igor
Investigating miRNAs and transcriptomes at our local SOLiD sequencing facility 2011, Johansen, Steinar Daae; Andreassen, morten; Babiak, Igor; Bizuayehu, Teshome; Coucheron, Dag-Hugo; El-Gewely, M. Raafat
Nucleotide-enriched live feed for Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae: evaluation of genes related to muscle growth, nucleotide metabolism and stress 2011, Lanes, Carlos Fredrico Ceccon; Bolla, Sylvie; Fernandes, Jorge; Nicolaisen, Ove; Kiron, Viswanath; Babiak, Igor
Maternal transcriptome of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): comparison between farmed and wild broodstock 2011, Lanes, Carlos Fredrico Ceccon; Bizuayehu, Teshome; Fernandes, Jorge; Kiron, Viswanath; Babiak, Igor
SEXUAL DIFFERENCES IN MIRNA EXPRESSION IN ATLANTIC HALIBUT BRAIN AND GONADS 2011, Bizuayehu, Teshome; Lanes, Carlos Fredrico Ceccon; Babiak, Joanna; Fernandes, Jorge; Johansen, Steinar Daae; Babiak, Igor
SMALLRNAS IN ATLANTIC HALIBUT (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) 2011, Bizuayehu, Teshome; Lanes, Carlos Fredrico Ceccon; Furmanek, Tomasz; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Babiak, Joanna; Fernandes, Jorge
Biochemical composition and quality of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) eggs: comparison between farmed and wild broodstock 2010, Lanes, Carlos Frederico Ceccon; Bizuayehu, Teshome; Fernandes, Jorge; Kiron, Viswanath; Babiak, Igor
MicroRNA profiling using Solid 3 platform during early development of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) 2010, Johansen, Steinar D.; Bizuayehu, Teshome; Lanes, Carlos Frederico Ceccon; Furmanek, Tomasz; Karlsen, Bård O.; Fernandes, Jorge
Changes in expression of steroid receptors and aromatase in Atlantic cod during a maturation cycle 2010, Presslauer, Christopher; Nagasawa, Kazue; Kirtiklis, Lech; Fernandes, Jorge; Babiak, Igor
Growth and stress tolerance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae reared on rotifers and artemia enriched with nucleotide products 2010, Lanes, Carlos Frederico Ceccon; Bolla, Sylvie; Kiron, Viswanath; Nicolaisen, Ove; Fernandes, Jorge; Babiak, Igor
Selection of suitable reference genes for real-time PCR studies of Atlantic halibut development 2008, Fernandes, Jorge; Mommens, Maren; Hagen, Ørjan; Babiak, Igor; Solberg, Christel
Sperm quality in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) throughout the reproductive season 2008, Mommens, Maren; Eggen, Bjørnar; Bolla, Sylvie; Ottesen, Oddvar; Rudolfsen, Geir; Wojtczak, M
NorthCod ¿ A transnational project for sustainable development of cod farming (2005 ¿ 2007) 2007, Ottesen, Oddvar; Babiak, Igor; Treasurer, Jim; Herlin, Marine; Penman, David; Zhuravleva, Nonna
Cod fry project is truly international 2006, ?: Volum 29 s. 4 Ottesen, Oddvar; Babiak, Igor; Nicolaisen, Ove; Fjalestad, Kjersti T; Treasurer, Jim; Herlin, Marine
NorthCod ? A transnational project for sustainable development of cod farming (2005 - 2007) - preliminary results - abstract 2006, Ottesen, Oddvar; Babiak, Igor; Nicolaisen, Ove; Zhuravleva, Nonna; Herlin, Marine; Penman, David
NorthCod ? A transnational project for sustainable development of cod farming (2005 2007) - preliminary results - abstract 2006, Ottesen, Oddvar; Babiak, Igor; Zhuravleva, Nonna; Penman, David; Hardardottir, Eyglo; Herlin, Marine