Levi Gårseth-Nesbakk
Professor i regnskap
Utdanning/Education Avsluttet PhD i 2007: Omhandlet periodiseringsprinsippet i staten, med tittelen: Experimentation with accrual accounting at central government level in Norway€”how a global phenomenon becomes a local practice
Hovedfag/Master degree: Bedriftsøkonomi
Main research interests: Empirical studies and conceptual discussions of the following areas: 1. Studies on the application of accrual accounting in the public sector 2. Accounting representations, herein: o Hybridity in accounting models o Accounting harmonization o Studies on the accounting industry (profit and service orientation) o Fiscal sustainability and long-term planning in the public sector 3. Functions of (government) accounting and scrutiny, herein: o Accountability related studies (including performance auditing) o Studies on the management of financial resources in the public sector