University of Gavle is a medium-sized university with approximately 16 000 students and 60 study programmes located in Gavle, Sweden. The campus is located close to Gavle River and it is within walking and biking distance to almost everything. Gavle is a city 180 km north of Stockholm with approximately 75 000 inhabitants.
Academic workload
Take contact with the faculty coordinator
Academic calendar
Take contact with the faculty coordinator
Tuition fee
No tuition fees for Nordplus exchange students.
Number of student places
Number of Nordplus places are determined from one academic year to another.
Students can apply for both on- and off-campus housing.
Cost of living
For information about living expenses in Sweden, see here.
Admission requirements
Conditions in Nordplus programme
Language requirements
Students who speak either Norwegian, Danish or Swedish are not met with specific language requirements in placement options.