Emnebeskrivelse for 2024/25
Sound Design
Emnebeskrivelse for 2024/25
Sound Design
Sound Design will focus on production and post-production sound, with the intention of creating, editing, and mixing clear and dynamic soundtracks within an animation pipeline.
Sound Design is an exploration of the world of sound as it relates to animation. Aimed at second year CGA students, Sound Design will focus on production and post-production sound, with the intention of creating, editing, and mixing clear and dynamic soundtracks for all future productions. Recording of Dialogue, Voice Over, and Sound Effects will be presented along with editing and mixing of Dialogue, Backgrounds, Sound Effects, and Music.
Opptak skjer på bakgrunn av generell studiekompetanse eller realkompetanse etter gjeldende regler.
On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Describe how sound elements combine to create an effect
- Identify subtle differences in the sonic texture of sounds when used in combination
- Assess the sound needs of a production to enhance the picture
- Assess relative quality of recorded tracks through acquired critical listening skills (ear training)
- Operate Pro Tools or alternate digital audio workstation, to adequately construct a complete soundtrack
- Record dialogue elements including VO
- Record sound effect elements including ambient and background noise
- Select, edit, and mix appropriate music elements
- Effectively edit dialogue, sound effects and music
- Effectively use sound shaping tools including Equalisation, Dynamics and Reverb to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the soundtrack
- Effectively mix all sound elements together to form a unified soundtrack
General Competence
- Make critical decisions in a time-constrained situation
- Create a plan and execute it, showing adaptability to make changes whilst still maintaining the integrity of the plan
- Apply a critical attention to detail
- Work in a task-oriented way within a larger group or dynamic
Individual assessment
Portfolio work (MA/L)
Graded: A-F