Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2023/24)
Circular Economy Business Models
Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2023/24)

Circular Economy Business Models


This course provides an introduction to the main research topics and discussions related to sustainability and circular economy, and the related business models.The course will draw from research from a broad spectre of industries but will focus specifically on the bio-based industries.

The content is based on four parts.

First, we will introduce the concepts of sustainability and circularity, and how an innovative bio-industry can help mitigating environmental and social issues in the society, while at the same time creating economic value and competitiveness. We will discuss the principles of circular economy and sustainable business activities with focus on circular business models.

Second, we will look at research on the business opportunities that emerge as a consequence of the sustainability shift. We will deal with challenges related to the implementation of circular economy business models. This part will also deal with challenges related to transition to circularity, such as coordinated activities across circular value chains, collaborative activities across traditional industry boundaries and with academia, and management of innovations portfolios.

Third, the course will build on both research and real examples of circular business models from a range of industries – including the bio-industries – and we will discuss boundary cases and the applicability of different models in bio-based industries.

Fourth, the course will introduce the concepts of innovation, innovation management and commercialization of science-based knowledge for circular economy. Here we will discuss the general challenges and economic discourses related to entrepreneurship, innovation and commercialization, that will be relevant for the further discussion, in relation to the PhD projects of the students and their potential.


-Advanced knowledge about circular economy principles and business models for circular and sustainable business;

Deepened understanding of the application of circular business models and theoretical perspectives in circular businesses across different contexts, and in particular within bio-economy;

Knowledge about how innovation and commercialization processes can transform businesses and industries, with an emphasis on bioeconomy, towards a circular economy,


To analyze and critically assess the foundations of circular business models within bio-economy

To analyze the complex interplay between the economic, social, and environmental issues related to circular business models.

To apply knowledge to manage an independent analysis of a circular business model elements within own work and other real-life cases, and be able identify, analyze and construct solutions for a given problem.

To identify and evaluate innovative opportunities for value-creation from adapting circular economy principles via understanding commercialization opportunities and potential.

General competence:

Ability to critically analyze opportunities and challenges of circular business models and their significance for business in different contexts, but in particular as related to the bio-economy

Ability to critically read, review, present and discuss top research papers in the area of circular economy, innovation and commercialization

Ability to display creativity in designing and implementing circular economy innovation in new and established businesses and demonstrate thorough understanding of its impact across the wider ecosystem

Ability to communicate research and development work and participate in a high quality academic dialogue in the area of circularity, innovation and commercialization

No tuition fees. Costs for semester registration and course literature apply.
Lectures (in-person, digital – both synchronous and asynchronous), workshops (including based on world cafe and design thinking workshops), group work, assignment work