Praktisk friluftsliv
Trip planning, travel advice, safety, riskreducing measures and good travel routines are topics closely linked to all practical trips. In addition, students gain insight into their actual acquaintance with nature and first aid. The course consists of three mandatory trips/courses; Forest and mountain hiking, basic climbing course and canoeing on flat-water and in a river. In addition, mandatory teaching is given in other relevant friluftsliv activities.
Coursework requirements related to the course:
- 3 days mandatory hike related to forest and mountain hiking
- 3 day (2 nights) solo trip related to forest hiking
- 3 days hike linked to canoeing
Assessment tasks related to the excursions hiking and canoeing.
The student shall:
- Have knowledge of hiking in the various nature categories forest and fields, mountains.
- Have knowledge of safety, anticipatory thinking and riskreducing measures, especially in relation to hiking in forests and mountains, climbing and canoeing.
- Have knowledge of the necessary equipment, including safety equipment, and use and maintenance of these related to the relevant friluftsliv activities
- Have knowledge of coaching in outdoor life, leadership, and the handling of groups in relevant friluftsliv activities.
The student shall:
- Have skills in outdoor life in various categories of nature and different seasons, including regard for clothing and equipment, use of map and compass, types of campfires and cooking on campfires, and various types of camps and accommodation.
- Be able to practice basic first aid related to friluftsliv.
- Be able to build safe stations, top rope and rappel attachments suitable for climbing activities.
- Master basic paddling techniques and recognize the most important formations in rivers and rapids
General competency:
The student shall:
- Be able to reflect on how different activities can be carried out for different types of groups in an appropriate and safe way.
- Have insight into the relationship between good personal proficiency, knowledge and reserves of energy, as well as the importance of this for safe Friluftsliv.
- Be able to see knowledge and skills in context, and use the combination of these in practical situations
Costs: Semester fee and copy fee.
Individual hiking and camping gear are required for hiking and overnighting in the mountains
Theoretical and practical.
Compound Evaluation:
Compulsory participation 1: Forest and mountain trip, 100% attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved - Not approved.
Compulsory participation 2: Climbing course, 100% attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved - Not approved.
Compulsory participation 3: Canoeing, 100% attendance, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved - Not approved.
Assessment task 1: Assignment: self-assessment on forest and mountain trip, counts 0/100 toward grade; grading options: Approved - Not approved.
Assessment task 2: Assignment: self-assessment on canoeing, counts 0/100 toward grade; grading options: Approved - Not approved.
Assessment task 3: three-day solo canoe trip, counts 0/100 toward grade; grading options: Approved - Not approved.
Assessment task 4: three-day forest and mountain trip in groups, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved - Not approved.
Assessment task 5: three-day solo trip, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved - Not approved.
Oral examination*, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grade options: A-E, A = Best, F = Fail.