Mixed Methods
The course introduces concepts of and considerations of mixed methods research designs for education, social, and behavioral sciences. The course prepares candidates to use mixed methods and apply mixed methods to their own research project (research problem, question[s], data sources, analyses, data quality). In addition to lectures, discussion and group work, the learning takes place by developing their own mixed methods project before, under and after the course.
The course is relevant for PhD candidates who are in the beginning stages of their dissertation, or students that will develop their knowledge, skills and competence related to mixed methods design. The students do not need to use a mixed methods design in their own PhD study, but can develop their own research question (qualitative or quantitative) into a mixed methods design, or develop another mixed methods design.
The candidate know:
- The stages of a research process (reinforces prior knowledge)
- Various mixed methods designs within an education (or related) research paradigm
- Stages in the research cycle where methods can be mixed
- Considerations when considering a mixed methods design
The candidate can:
- Draw a model (prototype) of own research design
- Demonstrate the use of terminology from mixed methods paradigm
- Design (or modify existing) a study prospectus applying mixed methods or elements of mixed methods, using appropriate terminology
General competence
The candidate can:
- Demonstrate an understanding of a research cycle, like conceptual framework and gap in the existing literature, research questions, data and collection methods, data analyses, connections back to the research questions and triangulation.
Teaching takes place digitally. Working methods will alternate between lectures, presentation at meetings, opposition, group work and discussion, and individual self-study with the individual assignment before the course, during the course, and within the time of one month after the course.
The teaching language is English, but Scandinavian languages may be used if mastered by all participants.
Coursework requirements:
- Individual presentation at seminars with opposition; represents 0/100 of the grade. Approved/not approved. The coursework must be completed and approved before presenting oneself for examinations.
- Individual written assignment of 4500 words that describes their mixed methods, represents 100/100 of the grade. Pass/fail
- Candidates who intend to sit for exams must have completed the master's degree in a relevant field. A master’s degree of 120 ECTS credits is normally required. Students in the study program PhD in professional science is prioritized. The course can also be taken by students at other PhD programs.
- Before the first meeting the candidates shall write an abstract (300 words) that describes their/a mixed methods project, related to: Research topic, research questions, design, methods (data sources, analyses). This draft (the abstract) can be premature and lack several topics, but will be developed by the candidates during the course, and is a starting point for the individual assignment (exam).