Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2019/20)
Animation History
Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2019/20)

Animation History

The Lectures and Practical/Written Exercises will introduce students to: The structure and anatomy of the human eye and the workings of the human system of visual perception (and interpretation), from normal/abnormal colour perception through binocular/stereoptical perception to Persistence of Vision. The fundamental principles of Moving Image/Animation Finance, Pre-Production, Production, Post Production, Distribution and Marketing. The historical, social and technological developments that have led to today's Moving Image technologies, industries and practices. The dominant developments in Animation/Moving Image technologies and practices in America and Western Europe with a briefer introduction (time permitting) to the parallel/complementary developments and practices in other parts of the world, from Japan and China to Eastern Europe, Russia and the Middle East.

When the students have finished the course they can:


  • Trace and describe the history, within that wider Moving Image setting, of hand-drawn, stop-frame, computer-generated Animation, Visual Effects, Special Effects and frame-by-frame Image Manipulation.
  • Trace and describe the chronological development of all methods of commercial Moving Image distribution and exhibition, from the Parlour Toy and the Nickelodeon to the Multiplex and the Internet


  • Understand, appreciate and articulate the development of the underlying technologies, materials and methods that underpin today¿s Moving Image industries (including Animation in all its forms)
  • Understand, appreciate and articulate the roles played by individual Moving Image practitioners within all areas of the entertainment sector, the communications industries, IT, research and manufacturing (including the roles played by Animation practitioners of all kinds)
  • Understand and articulate the fundamental concepts of film ¿language¿, from Editorial Continuity and Visual Storytelling to Camera Movement and Colour Theory

General Competence: 

  • Appreciate and articulate the practical, social and the ethical implications of Moving Image Storytelling in a wide range of contemporary and historical contexts
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Lectures and excercises.

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