Advanced English Language and Literature: Spring Package
Se studieprogramAdvanced English Language and Literature: Spring consists of three classes, all of which are taught by English Department faculty:
ENG2003 (10) Literature and Philosophy after 1900
ENG2005 (10) Literature and Environmental Catastrophe
ENG2006 (10) Shakespeare and his World
ENG2003: Literature and Philosophy after 1900
The aim of this course is to explore the relationship between literature, literary theory, and philosophy with especial emphasis on developments in the 20th century. The course will examine some of the major schools of philosophical thought that have shaped literature and literary theory in the foregoing century and the way these lines of influence have evolved and manifested themselves.
ENG2005: Literature and Environmental Catastrophe
Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions: natural disasters have been with humanity as long as we have sought stability and defied the dynamics of the natural world. Often devastating to human life and social order, disasters have occasioned stories, poems, and songs that grapple with the challenging philosophical, religious, aesthetic, and social questions raised by environmental catastrophe. In this course we will examine a selection of works, from ancient myths to post-apocalyptic novels, and discuss how literature can capture the catastrophic, protest the inevitable, and imagine the unimaginable.
ENG2006: Shakespeare and his World
Shakespeare and His World is an in-depth engagement with Shakespeare’s most important plays and their context. The students will read and discuss a selection of plays and secondary literature under the direction of a specialist in the field.
The student shall:
- Develop knowledge of textual structure and linguistic devices and of critical and analytical approaches to both literary and non-literary texts in English;
- Have introductory and focused knowledge of traditional and contemporary literary texts and theory;
- Have increased knowledge of and insight into the English language.
The student can:
- Use English more confidently and functionally, both orally and in writing appropriate to the audience in different situations;
- Demonstrate English skills in a variety of formats.
The student can:
- Demonstrate broad-based knowledge of central authors’ biographies, secondary criticism, and their respective contributions to periods and genres of literature.
- Apply knowledge and skills within the subject of English in an academic and professional context.
Opptak til studieprogrammet krever generell studiekompetanse.
Søkere som ikke har generell studiekompetanse, og er 25 år eller eldre, kan søke om opptak på grunnlag av realkompetanse.
Higher education entrance qualification, language requirement, view more information about requirements and deadlines.
Entrance as a semester or year international exchange student to Nord University, Campus Bodø. NB! The English level expected in these classes is higher than the entrance requirement, and this is reflected in the reading load and course expectations. Students should note that this package is meant for more fluent users of English, for example students majoring in English at their home university, or native users of English. A more general English offer is also available in spring semester.
The study of English provides international students with a solid foundation for communication-based work in a variety of occupations. The study of English provides a wide range of language, communication, and cultural skills. Upon completion of the semester package, students have received course content relevant to the following areas of employment:
Translation / proofreading / editing
Teaching (upon certification) / tutoring
University recruitment / international affairs
«Utover semesteravgift og pensumlitteratur forutsettes det at studenten disponerer en bærbar datamaskin.».
No tuition fees. Costs for semester registration and course literature apply.
Studieprogrammet evalueres årlig av studentene gjennom emneevalueringer og studieprogramevaluering. Evalueringene inngår som en del av universitetets kvalitetssikringssystem.
The programme is evaluated via student questionnaire, as well as by the programme director. The evaluations form a part of the University's quality assurance system.
Vi viser til gjeldende forskrift og tilhørende retningslinjer.
Refer to "Regulations concerning studies and examinations at Nord University" and other local regulations under Rules and Regulations.