Current active subject description (last updated 2019/20)
Practical Studies 1
Current active subject description (last updated 2019/20)

Practical Studies 1

In this first training period, students will become familiar with everyday work and learn the daily routines of cleaning and maintenance, sampling and sample handling, appointments and reception work. During the period, students will eventually be able to perform basic veterinary nursing tasks, as well as prepare surgical procedures and some advanced clinical procedures, take part in communication with owners and do administrative procedures.
70 ECTS from the study programme, including BI141F Clinical and Laboratory Procedures I and BI142F Animal Health

Knowledge The candidate

  • must know the aseptic and infection control procedures in the clinic

Skills The candidate

  • has the necessary skills to work in customer reception and operate the phone
  • is capable of performing the basic maintenance and cleaning tasks
  • assists in diagnostic and clinical procedures
  • is able to do different sampling, pack and ship, preparing and analyze, including filling out requisitions
  • is capable of performing basic dental care and writing patient records
  • assists in preparation for surgical procedures as clarification of patients, equipment and premises
  • assists in diagnostic imaging diagnostics
  • is capable of cutting claws and fur, do wound care, place a venous catheter etc.
  • assists in providing advice to customers about feeding their pet
  • knows the correct procedures for waste handling
  • applies identification chips and fill in passports, vaccination and health certificates

General competence The candidate

  • uses the clinic's system for keeping patient records and other software used on a daily basis in the clinic
  • is capable of working according to fixed procedures and instructions given by other professionals
  • is capable of facilitating premises and equipment for the veterinarian
  • can apply theoretical knowledge of animals' natural behavior, needs and physiology in the daily work with patients and communication with customers
In addition to the semester fee, students must assume the costs of travel and accommodation during their practical studies.
Compulsory: Bachelor in Veterinary Nursing

Each student has a tutor at the clinic and a tutor at the university.

It is mandatory to hand in a paper on excperiences at the end of the practical period.

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the universitys quality assurance system.
20 weeks of practical training in a small animal clinic, 37,5 hrs/wk. If weekly working hours are less than 37,5 hours, the training period is extended accordingly. Read more about regulations for attendance and absence in "Guidelines for practical training for Bachelor in Veterinary Nursing at Nord University".