Current active subject description (last updated 2024/25)
Bachelor Production
Current active subject description (last updated 2024/25)

Bachelor Production

Bachelor production is the final production on your 3-year bachelor program.

In this course, you can choose to dive deeper into a specific subject or role and do your own project, or together in a group of students. Your project has to be approved by the faculty/advisors. We recommend doing your bachelor production in relationship with the industry. This can be done either during a 2-month long internship, or as a separate team working with industry as clients or partners.

Your bachelor production will also include documentation/short thesis on maximum 20 pages (ex. attachments) which should include a discussion of, and reflection about the production use of relevant theory, methodology, production techniques and a short analysis inside the creative and artistic field. 

Only for students accepted at the Bachelor program Film and TV production or Bachelor in CG Art and Animation
To start this course your need at least 90 ects inside of the bachelor programs "Film and TV Production" or "CG Art and Animation".

On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:


  • Formulate a good synopsis for your bachelor production and pitch this for supervisors and (if relevant) external clients.
  • Refer to relevant theory that is adapted to the bachelor production
  • Collaborate with others on a bachelor production
  • Present idea, script, storyboard, production plan and cost estimate for your bachelor production
  • Do a survey on the target group for your bachelor production
  • Present your final bachelor production


  • Use professional production pipeline
  • Use relevant theory for your bachelor production
  • Use appropriate methodology for developing your bachelor production
  • Relate answers from your survey to your research questions

General competence:

  • Be more reflective inside productions for creative industry.
  • Know the industry standards
Lectures, practical work/internship and advisory meetings


Grade: A-F