Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)
Production 1
Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)

Production 1

Production 1 is the first practice period where students form production units and complete projects for internal and external clients.
Students will be divided into groups. They will learn about teamwork, project management and production of different types of content.
Only for students accepted at the Bachelor program Film and TV production

On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:


  • Consolidate existing learning in a practical project.
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively within a team.
  • Plan and execute projects according to the client's concepts and aesthetic preferences
  • Work within the confines of schedule and budget


  • Describe the relationship between client and service provider
  • Construct and maintain a production schedule
  • Describe the various types of productions, and the difference in artistic approach to each
  • Identify the core purpose and message of a project

General Competence:

  • Develop group dynamic skills
  • Effectively complete a project, and deliver on time, according to advisor's specifications
  • Use their creativity within the confines of the advisor's desires
  • Accept and implement advisor's feedback
  • Negotiate with advisors to achieve mutual satisfaction
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Students will have mostly self-organized group planning and work sessions, with Instructors supervising and guiding those activities. The semi-independent nature of this projects helps to build confidence within the students, fostering independent thought, and greater intrinsic motivation.
Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.


Grade: A-F