Subject description for 2024/25
Animal Nutrition
Subject description for 2024/25

Animal Nutrition

This course contains the following these: main nutrients, their structure, classification and capacities, feed analyses; procedures and assessment, digestion and absorbing of different nutrients, conversion of nutrients with special emphasis on energy and protein metabolism and principles for feed means assessment.

This course contains the following main themes:

  • main nutritients; structure, classification and capacities
  • feed analyses; procedures and assessment
  • digestion and absorbing of different nutritients
  • conversion of nutritients (metabolism), with special emphasis on energy and protein metabolism
  • principles for feed means assessment.

The subject is reserved for students of the following study programmes:

  • Animal Sciences - Welfare and Production, Bachelor’s Programme

Other students can get admitted if there are places available. Contact student advisor. 

BIO101 Chemistry, Environment and Pollution and HUS1001 Genetics and evolution.

After completing the course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes:


  • has knowledge of the structure, classification and different capacities of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals, as well as these nutritients' significance for the organisam
  • has knowledge of enzymes and the digestion of monogastric animals and ruminants, and knows of potential interaction effects between different nutritients
  • has knowledge of metabolism, with special emphasis on energy and protein metabolism
  • has knowledge of different feed analyses and feed means assessments, digestibility, energy and protein assessment of monogastric animals and ruminants
  • has knowledge of feed norms and of livestock requirements to nutritients and feed means


  • can apply feed norms, calculate on an individual level and assess the results
  • can asses a feed ration based on the composition of different nutritients, analysis values and ration amount
  • can assess the connection between nutritients/ration and the risk for developing illness and disease

General competence:

  • can communicate the capacities of various feed rations and exchange views on the quality of the rations
  • has knowledge of how feeding may affect production and health on an individual level, and is able to communicate this in a professional context
Paid semester fee and syllabus literature. It is also required that students have a laptop at their disposal.
Lectures and assignments.
Evaluated annually by students through course surveys. These evaluations are included in the university’s quality assurance system.

Compound assessment

Compulsory Work. Approved/ Not approved. Must be passed prior to submission of the written examination.

Written examination, 5 hours, comprises 100% of the grade, grading scale A-F.

Pen, ruler, up to 2 bilingual dictionaries and calculator.

Generating an answer using ChatGPT or similar artificial intelligence and submitting it wholly or partially as one's own answer is considered cheating.