Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)
Design and Methods
Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)

Design and Methods


The course will provide knowledge about and expertise in:

  • Research questions and question hierarchies
  • The relationship between research questions, epistemology, design, methodology and research ethics implications
  • Research design - quantitative and qualitative designs
  • Selection of informants, qualitative and quantitative representativeness, the unique and generalisable
  • Key methodological concepts - such as operationalisation, validity and reliability, induction and deduction, etc.
  • Qualitative and quantitative research methods - opportunities and limitations

Before the course starts, participants must submit a written overview of their own project that will play a key role in the course. This should include: ‘What is the main idea behind my project? Key research questions, methodological challenges and choice of methods’.

The participants give a brief presentation of the overview and actively participate in joint discussions.

A master's degree of 120 credits is normally required. Students on the PhD programme Science of Professions are prioritised. The course can also be taken by students in other PhD programmes.



  • Have in-depth knowledge about different research designs, research ethics implications, data collection methods and analytical methods relevant to their own field of study.
  • Have in-depth knowledge and understanding about methodological choices and challenges related to different types of research questions, data and empirical data.
  • Have in-depth knowledge about reliability and validity requirements in quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Have knowledge about basic concepts and practical use of statistical methods of calculation.



  • Can formulate and further develop an adequate relationship between research questions, research design, research ethics implications and research methodology in their own project.
  • Can explain and communicate the choice of research design, data collection and analysis method for their own project.
  • Can critically analyse, discuss and challenge research methodology related to their own and others’ research.
  • Can analyse data using statistical software.

General competence


  • Can critically discuss and relate to the use of different research and professional development methods in their own field.
  • Can convey research designs, research ethics implications, data collection methods and analytical methods relevant to their own field of study.
  • Can assess the potential for innovation within their own research area.
No costs apart from relevant books and semester fees

The course combines several teaching and learning methods. The teaching alternates between lectures, student presentations and seminar activities with feedback and discussion. In addition, compulsory coursework is carried out that is related to one’s own research project.

Active course participation is compulsory.

The teaching language will be English, but Scandinavian languages may be used if mastered by all participants

 These evaluations are part of the University’s quality assurance system.

Compulsory attendance (OD)

  • All teaching is compulsory. If the student is present less than 80%, but more than 60%, then she/he must complete a compensatory task (form and scope to be agreed with the course supervisor).

Compulsory work requirement (AK)

  • AK1 - Written and oral presentation of own PhD project:

    • By 8 April, the student must submit a note with the title: "What is the core of my project?", in which she/he describes central research questions, methodological challenges and method choices in her own PhD project. Format: max. 3 pages, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing. During the course assembly, the student must make an oral presentation of his own project based on the submitted note.
  • AK2 - Written answers to tasks in statistics: The student must solve and answer in writing statistical tasks that are distributed during the course.

    • Oral presentation of self-selected PhD thesis: The student must give an oral presentation (10 min) of design and method in a self-selected Ph.D. thesis. The presentation must be based on a separate review form that is distributed during the course.
  • AK3 - Written note as a starting point for the oral hearing:

    • After the course assemblies, the student revises and further develops his/her note "What is the core of my project?" which was delivered as work requirement 1 (AK1). Format: approx. 1000 words including references, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing. The note explains and discusses research questions in the own project as well as derived methodological challenges related to design and research method.
  • AK is assessed as Approved/Not approved

Oral examination of the project - (MU)

  • An oral hearing of the submitted memorandum is carried out on the specified date. The time will be given in good time.
  • The exam is individual. The submitted note forms the basis for an oral hearing with an external and an internal examiner, which lasts 30 minutes. The first 20 minutes are set aside for the candidate to present the note. If the candidate wishes, the presentation can be supported by a short note/powerpoint. The remaining time is set aside for questions where the examiners ask questions.
  • Assessment of oral examination: Pass/Fail.