Subject description for 2023/24
Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics
Subject description for 2023/24

Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics

The course provides insight into (a) central concepts of the Philosophy of Science, subjects, positions and questions, as well as (b) issues and challenges related to research ethics. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to reflect on the application and meaning of issues in Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics for their own and others’ research projects. 
The Philosophy of Science involves a systematic investigation of scientific activity and scientific understanding. The course focuses on the basic epistemology and ontological dimensions of science in a way that enables participants to develop a view on the relationship between research questions, subject areas, ontology, epistemology and methodological approaches. The relationship between Natural, Social and Human Science approaches is critically debated in light of central philosophical theories of science.  The fundamental concepts of science are discussed, such as induction, deduction and abduction, explanation and understanding, causality and intentionality, objectivity and subjectivity, paradigms and pluralism. Different forms of science and justifications are discussed in light of the different backgrounds and contexts of scientific practice. Students gain in-depth knowledge of relevant research ethics, legislation, and guidelines and these are discussed and analysed. 
A scientific master's degree of 120 credits is normally required. Students on the PhD programme in Science of Professions are prioritised. The course can also be taken by students in other PhD programmes. Apply for admission for PRO9015 autumn 2023 here



  • Will master key beliefs and fundamental concepts of Philosophy of Science and will be able to apply these analytically to their own PhD project
  • Will be able to assess the appropriateness and application of various understandings of knowledge, ontology and epistemology and relate such knowledge to different research traditions and methods
  • Will have extensive knowledge of research ethics principles and guidelines, including laws and regulations relevant to PhD studies



  • Will be able to identify and critically and constructively analyse central issues in the Philosophy of Science linked to their own research project
  • Will be able to manage complex academic questions through analytical application of concepts from the Philosophy of Science and challenge established knowledge and practice within their own subject area
  • Will be able to identify and critically assess research ethics obligations and issues linked to the research process as a whole

General competence


  • Will be able to identify central issues from the Philosophy of Science linked to a broad spectrum of research projects and scientific publications, as well as discussing these with peers
  • Will be able to assess the need for innovation within their own subject area, as well as identifying and communicating how the Philosophy of Science can contribute to developments within their own subject area
  • Will be able to identify relevant new ethical issues and exercise and disseminate their research in accordance with applicable research ethics standards and guidelines
In addition to course literature, students are expected to provide their own laptop computer. There will be no semester fee or course fee
Compulsory for PhD-candidates admitted to the PhD program in Science of Professions. Others, who meet the prerequisites, can take it as an elective course.

The teaching language will be English, but Scandinavian languages may be used if mastered by all participants

The teaching in the course is organised through two sessions, the first lasting four days and the second lasting two days. Lectures and student-led seminars, some of which may be digital, will be used together with presentations and discussion of candidate’s own projects (in connection with coursework requirements).

The course will be evaluated orally on the final course day, and also through an anonymous questionnaire on Canvas

Coursework requirements:

The course has one individual coursework requiremen (Assesment task (AK)) in which candidate’s are required to thematize the Philosophy of Science and research ethics in relation to their own research project. The coursework requirement consists of one written assignment before the second session and an oral presentation of the assignment during the session.

Coursework must be approved before presenting oneself for examinations. Guidelines for coursework requirements have been drawn up.

Compulsory participation (OD) in the oral aspect of the coursework requirements.

Assignment: Individual written assignment (OP) based on the coursework requirements. The assignment must thematise either the Philosophy of Science or research ethics associated with the student’s own PhD project. Length: approximately 3000-4000 words.