Current active subject description (last updated 2024/25)
Mobile Networked Apps
Current active subject description (last updated 2024/25)

Mobile Networked Apps

The subject addresses the basic knowledge and skill set needed for developing network-based applications for mobile platforms using object-oriented programming, different programming languages, -tools and -techniques. The subject also focuses on limitations and possibilities different tools give the developer.
The subject addresses the basic knowledge and skill set needed for developing network-based applications for mobile platforms using object-oriented programming, different programming languages, -tools and -techniques. The subject also focuses on limitations and possibilities different tools give the developer.
Reserved for students on the bachleor program Games and entertainment technology
SPO1110 Programming fundamentals

The candidate ...


  • Knows about the constraints and challenges of developing multiplayer video games
  • Has knowledge of fundamental differences and similarities between game development platforms designed for desktop and mobile equipment platforms
  • Knows the most common revenue models for networked video games
  • Knows the programming tools used for mobile video game development
  • Possesses wide knowledge of mobile client application optimization techniques
  • Has knowledge of network traffic optimization techniques for mobile network applications


  • Can design and develop simple applications for mobile devices; both client and server side
  • Can assess the requirements regarding data transmissions based on the communication design and use of communication protocols for applications

General competence

  • Has experience in designing communication patterns and protocols for networked video games
  • Knows how to detect and manage capacity bottlenecks that may occur when using mobile communication networks
No tuition fees. Costs for semester registration and course literature apply.
Lectures and problem solving.
Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.

Teaching activity

Work Requirements - 5 assignments, approved / not approved


Portfolio, Team project with individual assessment with associated individual reports

Teaching activity must be approved in order to be graded in the course