Course description for 2019/20
CG-Art 1
Course description for 2019/20

CG-Art 1


In this introductory course, students will develop a concept, then plan and execute a CG-asset production. This could be assets such as simple vehicles, buildings and props. Conceptual or more observational.

The course starts with foundational training in 3d modeling, with emphasis on maintaining technically correct models. Students develop abilities to spot and repair errors. This is followed by an introduction to UV-mapping, and the creation of efficient UV-layouts. The assets will be textured using various image-maps to control the final look of a physically based material.

Finally, the assets are presented in a turntable render.

When the students have finished the course they can:


  • Use polygonal modeling approaches to establish legal geometry
  • Maintain quad-based proper topology
  • Spot errors with a mesh and repair it
  • Efficiently UV-unwrap meshes while considering texture-seams
  • Plan a specific UV-solution for a certain texture resolution
  • Lay out UVs according to the needs of the project
  • Maintain uniform UV-scale while avoiding texture distortion
  • Texture diffuse-, specular-, reflectivity-, bump/normal-, transparency-, emissive-map etc.
  • Make a basic presentation render


  • Use a proper file-structure and adhere to naming convention
  • Plan and refine a concept for a CG-asset production

General Competence:

  • Producing artistic content using computer graphics
  • Understanding the limitations and strength in a CG pipeline
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Lectures, Lab work on assignments.
Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.

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SPO1005 - CG-Art 1 - 5 credits