Employee photo: David Kroik

David Kroik

Associate Professor
Faculty of Education and Arts
Study location
Areas of expertise
Southern Sami, Language (linguistics), Language didactics, Sami languages, Sami, Urbanity Indigenous, Linguistics, Linguistic landscape studies, Language reclamation, Langage revitalisation

My field of expertise lies in South Saami language teaching and learning (Ph.D. from Umeå University) and South Saami linguistics (Ph. Lic. Degree from Umeå university). I have higher degrees in both fields. I am both professionally and personally deeply committed to South Saami language revitalising.

I live at the intersection between international, national, and local Indigenous realms and I am passionate about bringing these knowledges together and back to the Saami community. My passion for science outreach provides me with many opportunities for scientific presentations aimed for South Saami stakeholders.

I have been actively involved at Nord University to develop and build a teacher education programme that supplies South Saami teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge for carrying out the complex task of supporting language revitalisation and reclamation at school. This has resulted in, for example, the establishment of new programmes.

My research encompasses the fields of Semiotic Landscape studies, Educational Linguistics and Language Policy. As a Saami person and a learner and a speaker of South Saami, I am passionate about discovering new spaces to use the South Saami language and finding ways to pass it on to others.

I am also the leader of the recently established Saami Research Group, which consists of 27 staff and which seeks to be develop research on Saami matters across all Faculties at Nord University and in collaboration with Saami communities.

A Writing Hand Reaches Further. "Čálli giehta ollá guhkás". Recommandations for the improvement of the Sámi literary field 2018, Fredriksen, Lill Tove; Domokos, Johanna; Gaski, Harald; Skåden, Sigbjørn; Alanen, Päivi; Kroik, David