Employee photo: Hanna Danbolt Ajer

Hanna Danbolt Ajer

Associate Professor
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Study location
Bodø, Hovedbygning E307
Areas of expertise
Lule Sami, Sami languages, Sami, Linguistics, Language (linguistics), Language, Syntax, Language variation, Adpositions - Postpositions and prepositions

Background: PhD Linguistics, University of Cambridge 2023

MA Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge 2015

BA Arabic and Linguistics, SOAS, University of London 2014

My PhD thesis from the University of Cambridge, Putting PPs into order - Understanding prepositionality in the predominantly postpositional language Lule Sami, investigates word-order variation in Lule Sámi, specifically word-order variation in the adpositional phrase.

My teaching topics include the following:

Language and linguistics, syntax, language variation, Lule Sámi language, introductory courses in Lule Sámi, Lule Sámi grammar (focusing on morphology and syntax)

I am teaching the following courses in 2023-24:

Lule Saami 1, Part 1 (SMI1003), Lule Sámi Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Years 1-7 (5-year Master's Degree)

Lule Saami for Beginners 1 (SPR106L), Lule Saami for Beginners

Lule Saami for Beginners 2 (SPR107L), Lule Saami for Beginners

Research interests:

My main topics of interest are syntax and its interfaces, word-order variation and language variation more broadly. I am currently focusing on Lule Sámi syntax.

Lule Sámi is a poorly described endangered language which is currently undergoing a revitalisation process. There is thus a great need for more documentation and research-informed teaching of the language, which my work aims to contribute to. I am passionate about documenting language variation and promoting a positive view of it whereby variation in Lule Sámi and other minoritised languages must be looked at on its own terms, rather than simply be assumed to stem from influence from dominant languages.

Samisk i skole og barnehage - ei kort innføring 2024, Ajer, Hanna Danbolt; Johansen, Inger