Leiv Heming Sem
Faculty of Education and Arts
Areas of expertise
Discourse analysis, Identity, Language policy, Popular poetry, Folklore, Literature history, Memory culture, Norwegian literature, Norwegian language, South Saami history, Sami, War history, Cultural diversity, Cultural history, Museum, Sami history/indigenous studies
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education and Arts since 2012.
Head Curator at the Falstad Memorial and Human Rights Centre 2002-2005. Senior researcher at the same institution 2011-2012. PhD-scholarship at the University of Oslo 2006-09, and post doc-scholarship at the University museum of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2009-2011.
I got my PhD in cultural history at the University of Oslo 2009, with a thesis on the cultural memory of the Second World War in Norway.
My MA was in folkloristics, with a thesis on the history of the collection, editing and publishing of Norwegian folk poetry.
I teach Norwegian literature classes at both BA and MA level. I also teach classes in Norwegian language, mostly historical and socio-linguistic topics. As I am a folklorist / cultural historian by education I have also given MA courses and taught in identity politics, cultural history and museum management at Nord and other universities.
I currently am supervisor of two PhD students.
My research interest may be divided into three categories: The first one is history of Norwegian literature, and oral/folk poetry in particular.
The second main interest is the cultural memory of war, primarily but not exclusively the Second World War in Norway.
In recent years I have been involved in the history of the indigenous people of the region of Nord University: The South Saami.
I am leader of a research group at the faculty that focus on the cultural and didactical use and management of traumatic history.
Lærere i sør- og lulesamisk grunnskole Lærerliv i en mangfoldig norsk skole 2024, Fagbokforlaget: s. 155-174 Sem, Leiv Heming; Vestheim, Ole Petter
Media - skolepolitikernes forlengede arm? Læreres profesjonsutøvelse i en utdanningspolitisk brytningstid 2021, Gyldendal Akademisk: s. 94-114 Sem, Leiv Heming; Vestheim, Ole Petter
The Indigenous Identity of the South Saami.
Historical and Political Perspectives on a Minority within a Minority 2019, Springer: Hermanstrand, Håkon; Kolberg, Asbjørn; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Sem, Leiv Heming
Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives The Indigenous Identity of the South Saami.
Historical and Political Perspectives on a Minority within a Minority 2019, Springer: s. 3-14 Hermanstrand, Håkon; Kolberg, Asbjørn; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Sem, Leiv Heming
Metodikkens skål! Moltke Moe som feltforsker 2016, Tidsskrift for kulturforskning: Volum 15 s. 83-102 Kjus, Audun; Kverndokk, Kyrre; Esborg, Line; Sem, Leiv
Painful Heritage. Studies in the Cultural Landscape of the Second World War 2015, Volum 4 2015 Jasinski, Marek E.; Sem, Leiv
"Painful Heritage". Cultural Landscapes of the Second World War in Norway: A new approach N-TAG TEN: Proceedings of the 10th Nordic TAG conference at Stiklestad, Norway 2009 2012, Archaeopress: s. 263-273 Jasinski, Marek E.; Sem, Leiv ; Soleim, Marianne Neerland
Or gamalt - nye perspektiver på folkeminner 2011, Esborg, Line; Kverndokk, Kyrre; Sem, Leiv
Kapittel 1: Innleiing Or gamalt - nye perspektiver på folkeminner 2011, s. 7-11 Esborg, Line; Kverndokk, Kyrre; Sem, Leiv
Gjesteførelesing om samisk historie 2024, Sem, Leiv Heming
“A South Saami Tragedy in Norwegian National Memory” 2024, Sem, Leiv Heming
The Nazi Monastery: Trondheim’s Villa of Evil 2023, Sem, Leiv Heming
Panelsamtale forsoning (chair) 2023, Sem, Leiv Heming
Staden Gud - og Ørnulf - gløymde 2023, Sem, Leiv Heming
Gjesteførelesing Moderne samisk historie 2023, Sem, Leiv Heming
The traitors in Norwegian national memory 2023, Sem, Leiv Heming
Sørsamisk minnekultur - prosjektpresentasjon 2023, Sem, Leiv Heming; Johansen, Inger; Hermanstrand, Håkon; Kolberg, Asbjørn
Bygdesamer fra kyst til kyst 2023, Voenesaemieh mearoste mearose: Hermanstrand, Håkon; Sem, Leiv Heming; Solsten, Ann-Kristin; Jåma, Elin Kristina; Norberg, Erik
Sami voices and forms of knowledge in public space 2023, Åberg, Ingvill Bjørnstad; Sem, Leiv Heming
Tamt tuns tale 2021, Telen: Sem, Leiv Heming
Heddal bygdetun - museum som øydegard 2021, Telen: Sem, Leiv Heming
Preface 2019, The Indigenous Identity of the South Saami: Hermanstrand, Håkon; Kolberg, Asbjørn; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Sem, Leiv Heming
Mojhtesh - sørsamiske postkort 2019, Vandreutstilling : Sem, Leiv Heming; Baglo, Cathrine
Maktspråk i tekstar - forteljingar om oss 2019, Sem, Leiv Heming
The Legacy of the Norwegian 1942 Teachers’ Revolt Against the Nazi Regime 2019, Sem, Leiv Heming; Vestheim, Ole Petter
Lansering og presentasjon av bok utgitt på Springer: The Indigenous Identity of the South Saami. Historical and Political Perspectives on a Minority within a Minority 2019, Hermanstrand, Håkon; Kolberg, Asbjørn; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Sem, Leiv Heming
National Tests in Norwegian Newspapers 2004-2017 2018, Vestheim, Ole Petter; Sem, Leiv Heming
Trøndelag i tall (samisk subtrahert) 2018, Forskning.no: Sem, Leiv Heming
The 22nd of July exhibition in Oslo: Making a national memory 2017, Ommundsen, Åse Marie; Sem, Leiv Heming
Jubileumsmarkering for samisk landsmøte 2017, Tråante 2017: Sem, Leiv; Kolberg, Asbjørn; Hermanstrand, Håkon
Vindkraft truer sørsamenes livsgrunnlag 2017, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.): Kolberg, Asbjørn; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Sem, Leiv; Hermanstrand, Håkon
Jubileumsmarkering for samisk landsmøte 2017, Utstilling: Sem, Leiv; Kolberg, Asbjørn
Norske møte med Holocaust 2016, Sem, Leiv
Næringskonferansen, vindkraftutbygging og Nord universitets rolle 2016, Trønder-avisa: Kolberg, Asbjørn; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Sem, Leiv
Standing Rock og Storheia – kamp om urfolks rettigheter 2016, Trønder-avisa: Kolberg, Asbjørn; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Sem, Leiv; Hermanstrand, Håkon
Helt for vår tid 2014, Trønder-avisa: Sem, Leiv
-Mangler en klar adresse 2014, Sem, Leiv
Gravene i Falstadskogen 2012, Museumsutstilling: Sem, Leiv ; Karevold, Åshild; Hjort, Ingeborg Arntine Heitmann; Langås, Arne
Fienden blant oss. Angiveri i Norge under andre verdenskrig 2011, Museumsutstilling: Sem, Leiv ; Hjort, Ingeborg Arntine Heitmann; Langås, Arne; Karevold, Åshild
Painful Heritage 2010, Museumsutstilling: Sem, Leiv ; Soleim, Marianne Neerland; Jasinski, Marek E.; Karevold, Åshild
Minne frå Austfronten 2010, Sem, Leiv
Painful Heritage – Cultural landscapes of the Second World War in Norway. Phenomenology, Lessons and Management Systems 2010, Sem, Leiv ; Jasinski, Marek E.; Soleim, Marianne Neerland
painfulheritage.no 2010, Sem, Leiv ; Jasinski, Marek E.; Soleim, Marianne Neerland
Painful Heritage Prosjekt 2010, Jasinski, Marek E.; Sem, Leiv ; Soleim, Marianne Neerland
Jahn Otto Johansens forhold til fakta 2009, Dagsavisen: Sem, Leiv Heming
Debatten om Falstad 2009, Dagsavisen: Sem, Leiv Heming; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Hjort, Ingeborg Arntine Heitmann; Karevold, Åshild
Dialog om vår egen fortid 2009, Trønder-avisa: Sem, Leiv Heming; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Hjort, Ingeborg Arntine Heitmann; Karevold, Åshild
"Smertefull kulturarv" 2009, Spor: Volum 48 s. 40-43 Soleim, Marianne Neerland; Sem, Leiv Heming; Jasinski, Marek E.
Innherad tvangsarbeidsleir 1945-49 2009, Historisk framstilling om tvangsarbeidsleir for landssvikdømte: Sem, Leiv Heming; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Karevold, Åshild
Innherad tvangsarbeidsleir 1945-1949. Utstillingskatalog 2009, Sem, Leiv Heming; Nilssen, Trond Risto; Karevold, Åshild; Hjort, Ingeborg Arntine Heitmann
Doktoren svarer 2009, Sem, Leiv Heming
Møt folk som provoserer oss 2009, Sem, Leiv Heming
Avdekker vanskelige krigsminner 2009, Eivindsen, Tove; Jasinski, Marek E.; Soleim, Marianne Neerland; Sem, Leiv Heming; Stenvik, Lars Fredrik; Johansen, Arne B.