Natallia Bahdanovich Hanssen
Faculty of Education and Arts
Areas of expertise
Special needs education, Music, Children and youth, Bullying, Relationship skills, Language difficulties, Adapted education, Comparative studies, Behavioural problems, Inclusion
Inclusion and Inclusive Education in Russia: Analysis of Legislative and Strategic Documents at the State Level between 2012–2014 2024, Education Sciences: Volum 14 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Alekseeva, Alexandra
Teachers’ Self-Assessment Regarding the Teaching of Students with a Developmental Language Disorder 2024, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education: Valle, Anne Marit; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Tverbakk, May Line Rotvik; Lagestad, Pål Arild; Marôco, João
Family-Professional Collaboration in Early Childhood Education and Care Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care 2023, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 29-42 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Alisauskiene, Stefanija; Kairienė, Daiva
Interprofessional Collaboration in Early Childhood Education and Care Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care 2023, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 15-27 Alisauskiene, Stefanija; Kairienė, Daiva; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Kangas, Jonna; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina
The Development of Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration in Early Childhood Education and Care—Lessons Learned Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care 2023, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 321-340 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care 2023, Palgrave Macmillan: Alisauskiene, Stefanija; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Kairienė, Daiva
Introduction to Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care 2023, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 1-11 Alisauskiene, Stefanija; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Kairienė, Daiva
Teachers’ Experiences of Inclusion in Classroom Settings 2023, Education Sciences: Volum 13 Lagestad, Pål Arild; Tverbakk, May Line Rotvik; Valle, Anne Marit; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Inclusion and special needs education for immigrant students in the Nordic countries 2023, Routledge: Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Sundqvist, Christel
Introduction to Inclusion and Special Needs Education for Immigrant Students in the Nordic Countries; Inclusion and special needs education for immigrant students in the Nordic countries 2023, Routledge: s. 1-13 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Sundqvist, Christel
Inclusion and special needs education for immigrant
students in the Nordic countries – what are the lessons? Inclusion and special needs education for immigrant students in the Nordic countries 2023, Routledge: s. 270-288 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Sundqvist, Christel
Musikkaktiviteter i barnehagen for barn med språkvansker - noe å satse på? Kunstens muligheter i spesialpedagogisk arbeid 2022, Universitetsforlaget: s. 195-215 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Krogtoft, Marit Synnøve
Special Education in the Early Years : Perspectives on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries 2022, Springer: Volum 36 Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Sundqvist, Christel
Kunstens muligheter i spesialpedagogisk arbeid Kunstens muligheter i spesialpedagogisk arbeid 2022, Universitetsforlaget: s. 13-25 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Hassel, Ragnhild Merete; Haugen, Torgeir; Sæther, Morten
Kunstens muligheter i spesialpedagogisk arbeid 2022, Universitetsforlaget: Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Hassel, Ragnhild Merete; Haugen, Torgeir; Sæther, Morten
Barn med utagerende atferd - i samfunnsmaskineriets
tidsklemme 2022, Psykologi i kommunen (PIK): s. 1-13 Nilsen, Hilde Merete; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Special Education in the Early Years: Summary and Outlook Special Education in the Early Years : Perspectives on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries 2022, Springer: s. 277-285 Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Sundqvist, Christel
Introduction to Special Education in the Early Years- Policies and Practices Across the Nordic Countries Special Education in the Early Years : Perspectives on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries 2022, Springer: s. 1-9 Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Sundqvist, Christel
Parents’ views on inclusive education for children
with special educational needs in Russia 2021, European Journal of Special Needs Education: Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Erina, Irina
Introduction Dialogues between Northern and Eastern Europe on the Development of Inclusion: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 2021, Routledge: s. xxiii-xxix Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Hansén, Sven-Erik; Ström, Kristina
One word, different understandings: Inclusion and inclusive education in Northern and Eastern Europe Dialogues between Northern and Eastern Europe on the Development of Inclusion: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 2021, Routledge: s. 218-227 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Hansén, Sven-Erik; Ström, Kristina
Teachers`attitudes towards policy and practice of inclusion and inclusive education in Russia Dialogues between Northern and Eastern Europe on the Development of Inclusion: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 2021, Routledge: s. 117-132 Kutepova, Elena; Suntsova, Alexandra; Alekseeva, Alexandra; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina
Inclusive education in Ukraine:Tension between policy and practice Dialogues between Northern and Eastern Europe on the Development of Inclusion: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 2021, Routledge: s. 148-167 Martynchuk, Olena V.; Skrypnyk, Tetiana V.; Sofiy, Natalia Z.; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Tilpasset opplæring for elever med rett til spesialundervisning 2021, Psykologi i kommunen (PIK): Volum 6 Hansen, Marthe; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Parental involvement in Early Childhood Education in
Parental Engagement and Early Childhood Education Around the World 2021, Routledge: s. 40-49 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Mamonka, Volha
Spesialpedagogiske undervisningspraksiser i barnehagelærerutdanningen
Å analysere og endre praksis - teorien om praksisarkitekturer 2021, Universitetsforlaget: s. 70-80 Olsen, Kathrin; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Videoobservasjoner og videobaserte samtaler som
metoder for kvalitetsutvikling av barnehageansattes
spesialpedagogiske praksis Videoforskning på ulike læringsarenaer: Mangfoldig videodata i pedagogisk forskning og utvikling 2021, Cappelen Damm Akademisk: s. 165-181 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Krogtoft, Marit Synnøve
Dialogues between Northern and Eastern Europe on the Development of Inclusion: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 2021, Routledge: Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Hansen, Sven-Erik; Ström, Kristina
Overgangen fra barnehage til skole 2020, Psykologi i kommunen (PIK): Norkyn, Astrid; Andersen, Heidi Iren Moen; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Læreres arbeid med den grunnleggende leseopplæringen for minoritetsspråklige elever 2018, Psykologi i kommunen (PIK): Volum 53 s. 5-16 Dørum, Veronika K.; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Organisering av leseopplæringen for minoritetsspråklige elever i barneskolen 2018, Psykologi i kommunen (PIK): Volum 53 s. 39-51 Dørum, Veronika K.; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Special education needs activities for children
with language difficulties: A comparative study in
Belarusian and Norwegian preschools 2017, Education Inquiry: Volum 9 s. 172-192 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Hansèn, Sven-Erik
Musikkaktiviteter og språkutvikling i barnehagen 2014, Psykologi i kommunen (PIK): Volum 49 s. 33-47 Hannås, Bjørg Mari; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
PP-tjeneste og vurdering for læring 2014, Psykologi i kommunen (PIK): Volum 49 s. 63-70 Risberg, Toril; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Norwegian Teacher Education: how it is experienced by immigrant pre-service teachers 2024, Amdal, Irina Ivashenko; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Interprofessional Collaboration in the Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care Context 2024, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Ingebrigtsen, Tove
The new Norwegian Education Act as arrangements for inclusive education practices for students with SEN: The vanishing concept of the Nordic model? 2024, Olsen, Kathrin; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Inclusion and Special needs education for immigrant students in the Nordic countries -symposium 2024, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Norwegian Teacher Education: how it’s experienced by students with immigrant background. 2022, Amdal, Irina Ivashenko; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Higher Educational Policy Influence on the SEN Competence of Early Childhood Teachers in Norway 2022, Olsen, Kathrin; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Norwegian Teacher Education: how it’s experienced by students with immigrant background 2022, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
A Survey of the Views of Graduates of Early Childhood Teacher Education in Norway on Special Needs Education 2022, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Olsen, Kathrin
Intervention teams as a resource 2022, Lindblom, Anne; Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Brodal Syversen, Kristina
How Policy Affects Special Educational Needs Teaching Practices in Early Childhood Teacher Education in Norway 2021, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Olsen, Kathrin
Inclusive education in Ukraine – tension between policy and practice
2021, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Martynchuk, Olena; Skrypnyk, Tetiana; Sofiy, Natalia
Inclusion and inclusive education in Northern
2020, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Inclusive practices in Norway 2020, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Special Educational Needs Practices for children with DLD in Belarusian and Norwegian Preschools 2019, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Hvilke kompetanser trenger vi for å lykkes med inkludering? 2019, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Norske og hviterussiske barnehager møter barn med språkvansker forskjellig 2019, Første steg: s. 54-57 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Special educational needs practices in Norwegian and Belarusian preschools ( paper presentation) 2018, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Manglende spesialpedagogisk hjelp i barnehagen 2018, Vetuva. Forskning og ny kunnskap om barnehage: s. 20-21 Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Hannås, Bjørg Mari
titled Saying, Doing and Being Teachers in Norwegian Educational Contexts 2018, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Spesial Needs Education in light of the inclusion priciple 2016, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Ka ska vi gjør i dag? Musikk og språkstimulering. 2016, Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich
Bodøpiloten - sammen for kunst og kultur i opplæringen Bodøpiloten - sammen for kunst og kultur i opplæringen 2014, s. 4-60 Pettersen, Jan Arne; Sjøvoll, Jarle; Jensen, Mia; Lossius, Janne Vik; Olsen, Irene Løstegaard; Hanssen, Natallia B