Ozlem Simsekoglu
Nord University Business School
I am working as a professor in traffic and transport psychology at the Road Traffic Section, Nord University Business School.
I have been teaching in traffic psychology, traffic and society, and quantitative research methods topics.
In my research, I mainly focus on examining the role of different psychological factors (e.g., attitudes, risk perception, and social norms) in explaining road users' traffic behaviors and travel choices. My main research topics are risky road user behaviors, road safety attitudes, use of sustainable transport modes, driving education, and cross-cultural differences in traffic safety behaviors and attitudes.
Fiscal policies and car choices in Italy and Norway: A scenario analysis based on a stated-preference survey 2023, Case Studies on Transport Policy: Volum 13 Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Traffic safety risks among Adolescent ATV Users in Norway ESREL 2023 - Proceedings of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference : The Future of Safety in the Reconnected World,
3 – 7 September 2023, University of Southampton, United Kingdom 2023, Research Publishing Services: Wold, Thomas; Wigum, Jan Petter; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Hanssen, Trond; Kummeneje, An-Magritt
Car choice determinants in Italy and Norway: A comparison based on revealed and stated choices 2023, Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM): Volum 51 Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Simsekoglu, Ozlem; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Aging and Driving: A Comparison of Driving Performance Between Older and Younger Drivers in an On-Road Driving Test 2022, Sage Open: Volum 12 Robertsen, Rolf; Lorås, Håvard; Polman, Remco; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Sigmundsson, Hermundur
The role of psychological factors on vehicle kilometer travelled (VKT) for battery electric vehicle (BEV) users 2020, Research in Transportation Economics: Volum 82 Hasan, Saiful; Simsekoglu Nordfjaern, Ozlem
Determinants of Bus Seat Belt Usage Behavior: A Qualitative Study 2020, Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS): Volum 28 s. 191-209 Ghaffari, Mohtasham; Rakhshanderou, Sakineh; Mehrabi, Yadollah; Soori, Hamid; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Harooni, Javad
Predictors of perceived road collision/incident risk among horse users: A survey study from Norway 2020, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour: Volum 74 s. 248-258 Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Dalland, Eva Signora Brustad; Robertsen, Kåre
The role of social cognition in perceived thresholds for transport mode change 2019, Transport Policy: Volum 83 s. 88-96 Nordfjærn, Trond; Lind, Hans Brende; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Lund, Ingunn Olea; Rundmo, Torbjørn
Predictors of self-reported crashes among Iranian drivers: Exploratory analysis of an Extended Driver Behavior Questionnaire 2018, Promet: Volum 30 s. 35-43 Hezaveh, Amin; Nordfjærn, Trond; Mamdoohi, Amir Reza; Simsekoglu , Ozlem
Determinants of seat belt use behaviour: a protocol for a systematic review 2018, BMJ Open: Volum 8:e020348 s. 1-6 Ghaffari, Mohtasham; Armoon, Bahram; Rakhshanderou, Sakineh; Mehrabi, Yadollah; Soori, Hamid; Simsekoglu , Ozlem
The role of psychological and socio-demographical factors for electric bike use in Norway 2018, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation: s. 1-9 Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Kløckner, Christian
Active transport, public transport and
electric car as perceived alternatives in a
motorized Norwegian sample 2016, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour: Volum 42 s. 70-79 Nordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu , Özlem; Rundmo, Torbjørn
Predictors of car use habit strength in an urban Norwegian public 2015, Transportation: Volum Published ahead of print Nordfjærn, Ôzlem S.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn
Sustainable Mobility at High Traffic Locations – The Case of the General Hospital Novo mesto: Final report from the SALOMON project 2024, Nord universitet: Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Mathisen, Terje Andreas
The effects of a traffic safety program on high school students’ traffic safety behaviors and attitudes: A case from Norway 2024, Simsekoglu, Ozlem; Wigum, Jan Petter
Unraveling the Path to Pro-Environmental Behavior of Using Shared Micro-Mobility Services in Norway 2024, Teh, Danielle Kai Ying; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Kummeneje, An-Magritt
Influence of In-Car Touchscreens on Driver Performance: A Simulator-Based Study Examining Driver Behaviour in Distracted Conditions 2024, Marinelli, Giuseppe; Hazoor, Abrar; Simsekoglu , Ozlem
Utbredelse og bruk av ATV/UTV av ungdom i småbyer og rurale strøk. 2023, Wold, Thomas; Wigum, Jan Petter; Hanssen, Trond; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Kummeneje, An-Magritt
Introducing Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) in Driving Education: psychological perspectives among Norwegian practitioners 2023, Marinelli, Giuseppe; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Robertsen, Rolf
Sustainable mobility at high traffic locations – the case of General Hospital Novo mesto 2023, Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Mathisen, Terje Andreas
Terrain vehicles and traffic risks among 16-18 year-olds in rural Norway 2023, Wold, Thomas; Wigum, Jan Petter; Kummeneje, An-Magritt; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Hanssen, Trond
Traffic safety risks among adolescent ATV users in Norway 2023, Wold, Thomas; Wigum, Jan Petter; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Kummeneje, An-Magritt; Hanssen, Trond
Car choice in Norway and Italy. A comparison of car drivers’ preferences and attitudes via a hybrid mixed choice model 2022, Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Predictors of perceived road collision/incident risk among horse users: A survey study from Norway 2022, Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Dalland, Eva Brustad; Robertsen, Kåre
Psychological predictors of intention to purchase a BEV: A comparison between Italy and Norway 2022, Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Car choice and fiscal policies in Italy and Norway: a scenario analysis based on stated‐choice data 2022, Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Forprosjekt om bruk av VR-teknologi i føreropplæringen. Sluttrapport. 2020, Nord universitet: Marinelli, Giuseppe; Robertsen, Kåre; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Robertsen, Rolf; Skevik, Trond Olav
Introducing TrønderMaaS: investigating business models, sustainability and users' acceptance of a MaaS system in Stjørdal and Trondheim region, Norway 2020, Marinelli, Giuseppe; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Aarseth, Wenche; Pitera, Kelly
The role of attitudes, transport priorities and car use habit for travel mode use in an urban Norwegian public 2018, Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn
Empathy, conformity and cultural factors related to aberrant driving behavior in a sample of Turkish urban drivers 2018, Nordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu , Ozlem
Drivers of electric bicycle use in Norway
- a consumer survey.
2018, Klöckner, Christian A.; Simsekoglu , Ozlem
Role of demographic variables and training time in driving test performance: A pilot study from Norway 2018, Suzen, Elisabeth; Simsekoglu , Ozlem
Role of psychological and socio-demographical factors for electric bike use in Norway 2017, Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Kløckner, Christian
Predictors of intention to use an electric car in Norway 2017, Simsekoglu , Ozlem