Employee photo: Ozlem Simsekoglu

Ozlem Simsekoglu

Nord University Business School
Study location

I am working as a professor in traffic and transport psychology at the Road Traffic Section, Nord University Business School.

I have been teaching in traffic psychology, traffic and society, and quantitative research methods topics.

In my research, I mainly focus on examining the role of different psychological factors (e.g., attitudes, risk perception, and social norms) in explaining road users' traffic behaviors and travel choices. My main research topics are risky road user behaviors, road safety attitudes, use of sustainable transport modes, driving education, and cross-cultural differences in traffic safety behaviors and attitudes.

Utbredelse og bruk av ATV/UTV av ungdom i småbyer og rurale strøk. 2023, Wold, Thomas; Wigum, Jan Petter; Hanssen, Trond; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Kummeneje, An-Magritt
Terrain vehicles and traffic risks among 16-18 year-olds in rural Norway 2023, Wold, Thomas; Wigum, Jan Petter; Kummeneje, An-Magritt; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Hanssen, Trond
Traffic safety risks among adolescent ATV users in Norway 2023, Wold, Thomas; Wigum, Jan Petter; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Kummeneje, An-Magritt; Hanssen, Trond
Car choice in Norway and Italy. A comparison of car drivers’ preferences and attitudes via a hybrid mixed choice model 2022, Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Psychological predictors of intention to purchase a BEV: A comparison between Italy and Norway 2022, Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Car choice and fiscal policies in Italy and Norway: a scenario analysis based on stated‐choice data 2022, Scorrano, Mariangela; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Danielis, Romeo; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Marinelli, Giuseppe
Forprosjekt om bruk av VR-teknologi i føreropplæringen. Sluttrapport. 2020, Nord universitet: Marinelli, Giuseppe; Robertsen, Kåre; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Robertsen, Rolf; Skevik, Trond Olav