Roberto Rivas Hermann where he carries out research on environmental planning with focus on the shipping infrastructure in the Arctic. In the ESD domain, Roberto focuses in the integration of real-world learning teaching frameworks in interdisciplinary graduate courses.
GrowKudos: Popular explanation of scientific work
Website of the Centre for High North Logistics
Roberto's profile on ResearchGate
Bachelor courses
LED1001 ledelse
EKT243 prosjektarbeid
Master courses
LED5007 internasjonal internship
Previous teaching/ guest teaching
VT308 forskningsmetoder og vitenskapteori (master)
Current supervision
Dhaneswara Al Amien. Ph.D. student, (co-supervision 2022-2025)
MBA program 2023/2024 - Zhivareva, Rabben, Arntsen, Iversen/Selboe
Previous supervision
MBA Nord University (2019-2021)
M.S.c. Energy management, Nord University (2020)
B.Sc. Maritime management (BANAU) (2017-2018)
M.Sc. program Environmental Management and Sustainability Science, Aalborg University, 2011-2015.
M.Sc. Global management, Nord U. (2022)
Exchange student, IFRS, Brazil, Master in IP management and innovation technological transfer), 2022, spring
Educational development projects
Educational development projects
Management practice in the context of global value chain (2019-2022). DIKU (Finished)
Real world learning in business education (2020-2024). DIKU.
Research projects
Wind assisted ship propulsion (WASP)- Interreg Northern Sea Region Program (2019-2023)
European Research and Training Network on Autonomous Barges for Smart Inland Shipping (2022-2025)