Samira Behboudi Gandevani
Associate Professor
Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences
Study location
Bodø, Hovedbygget, E244
Areas of expertise
Healthcare£ Childhood and Youth Development, Nursing education
Adiposity trajectories and cardiovascular disease risk in women: a population-based cohort study with a focus on menopausal status 2024, Frontiers in Endocrinology: Volum 15 Firouzi, Faegheh; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Kaveh, Alireza; Mousavi, Maryam; Azizi, Fereidoun; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
Investigation of the relationship between air pollution and gestational diabetes 2024, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Volum 44 Nazarpour, Sima; Shokati poursani, Afshin; Mousavi, Maryam; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
Gestational weight gain as a mediator of the relationship between pre-pregnancy body mass index and the risk of preterm birth: A four-way decomposition analysis 2024, International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics: Volum 167 s. 1168-1177 Niknam, Atrin; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Rahmati, Maryam; Firouzi, Faegheh; Azizi, Fereidoun; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Social anxiety in adolescence and the first timing of parental home leaving and living with a partner: a longitudinal population-based Young-HUNT3 study in Norway 2024, Frontiers in Public Health: Volum 12 Halidu, Malik Dimbei; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Haugan, Tommy
Prevalence of depression, stress and suicide tendency among individuals with long COVID and determinants: a protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis 2024, BMJ Open: Volum 14 Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Biglarian, Akbar; Bakshi, Enayatollah; Khodaei-Ardakani, Mohammad-Reza; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
The J shaped association of age at menarche and cardiovascular events: systematic review and meta-analysis 2024, Scientific Reports: Volum 14 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Skjesol, Ingunn; Arntzen, Ellen Christin; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh
The Impact of Excluding Adverse Neonatal Outcomes on the Creation of Gestational Weight Gain Charts Among Women from Low- and Middle-income Countries with Normal and Overweight BMI 2024, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Volum 119 s. 1465-1474 Rangel Bousquet Carrilho, Thais; Wang, Dongqing; Hutcheon, Jennifer A.; Wang, Molin; Fawzi, Wafaie W.; Kac, Gilberto
Global and Regional Prevalence of Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Determinants: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2024, JMIR Research Protocols: Volum 13 Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Biglarian, Akbar; Nejad, Farhad Nosrati; Roshanfekr, Payam; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
Prevalence of preterm birth in Scandinavian countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2023, Journal of International Medical Research: Volum 51 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Panahi, Mohammad Hossein; Mardani, Abbas; Prinds, Christina; Vaismoradi, Mojtaba
Various screening and diagnosis approaches for gestational diabetes mellitus and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a secondary analysis of a randomized non-inferiority field trial 2023, BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care: Volum 11 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Sheidaei, Ali; Rahmati, Maryam; Farzadfar, Farshad; Noroozzadeh, Mahsa; Hosseinpanah, Farhad
Risk factors for inadequate and excessive gestational weight gain in 25 low-and middle-income countries: An individual-level participant meta-Analysis 2023, Nature Methods: Volum 20 Darling, Anne Marie; Wang, Dongqing; Perumal, Nandita; Liu, Enju; Wang, Molin; Ahmed, Tahmeed
A Bayesian model to estimate the cutoff value of TSH for management of preterm birth 2023, PLOS ONE: Volum 18 Rahmati, Maryam; Nazarpour, Sima; Minooee, Sonia; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Azizi, Fereidoun; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
One-step versus two-step screening for diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus in Iranian population: A randomized community trial 2023, Frontiers in Endocrinology: Volum 13 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Rahmati, Maryam; Farzadfar, Farhad; Abedini, Mehrandokht; Farahmand, Maryam; Hosseinpanah, Farhad
Cardiovascular Events Among Women with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2023, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine (RCM): Volum 24 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Arntzen, Ellen Christin; Normann, Britt; Haugan, Tommy; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh
The effect of exercise and physical activity-interventions on step count and intensity level in individuals with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 2023, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living: Volum 5 Arntzen, Ellen Christin; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Sivertsen, Marianne; Knutsen, Karina; Dahl, Stine Susanne Haakonsen; Hartvedt, Maria Grytvik
Does fasting plasma glucose values 5.1-5.6 mmol/l in the first trimester of gestation a matter? 2023, Frontiers in Endocrinology: Volum 14 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Farzadfar, Farshad; Hosseinpanah, Farhad; Rahmati, Maryam; Firouzi, Faegheh; Abedini, Mehrandokht
Prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes by first‑trimester
components of metabolic syndrome: a prospective longitudinal study 2023, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics: Volum 307 s. 1613-1623 Asltoghiri, Maryam; Moghaddam‑Banaem, Lida; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Rahimi Froushani, Abbas; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Maternal hyperandrogenism is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and overweight in adolescent and adult female offspring: a long-term population-based follow-up study 2022, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Volum 45 s. 963-972 Noroozzadeh, Mahsa; Rahmati, Maryam; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
The Impact of Endogenous Estrogen Exposure Duration on Fracture Incidence: a Longitudinal Cohort Study 2022, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM): Volum 107 s. e3321-e3329 Farahmand, Maryam; Rahmati, Maryam; Azizi, Fereidoun; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Perinatal and Neonatal Outcomes in Immigrants From Conflict-Zone Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies 2022, Frontiers in Public Health: Volum 10 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Panahi, Mohammad Hossein; Mardani, Abbas; Prinds, Christina; Vaismoradi, Mojtaba
Effect of Different Types of Diagnostic Criteria for
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Adverse Neonatal
Outcomes: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and
Meta-Regression 2022, Diabetes & metabolism journal: Volum 46 s. 605-619 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Saei Ghare Naz, Marzieh; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
A Cluster Randomized Noninferiority Field Trial of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Screening 2022, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM): Volum 107 s. e2906-e2920 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Farzadfar, Farshad; Hosseinpanah, Farhad; Hadaegh, Farzad; Khalili, Davood
The Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Its Phenotypes and Cardio-Metabolic Features in a Community Sample of Iranian Population: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study 2022, Frontiers in Endocrinology: Volum 13 Farhadi-Azar, Mahbanoo; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Rahmati, Maryam; Mahboobifard, Fatemeh; Khalili Pouya, Ensi; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Risk of Stillbirth, Perinatal and Neonatal Mortality in Immigrant Women 2022, International Journal of Public Health: Volum 67 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Panahi, Mohammad Hossein; Mardani, Abbas; Kymre, Ingjerd Gåre; Paal, Piret
Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and International Immigration Status: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2022, Annals of Global Health: Volum 88 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Panahi, Mohammad Hossein; Mardani, Abbas; Paal, Piret; Prinds, Christina
Thyroid disorders and hormonal contraceptives Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy 2022, Springer: s. 241-250 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
Umbilical cord blood concentration of connecting peptide (C-peptide) and pregnancy outcomes 2022, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth: Volum 22 Niknam, Atrin; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Rahmati, Maryam; Hedayati, Mehdi; Abedini, Mehrandokht
Effectiveness of anti-diabetic agents for treatment of gestational diabetes: A methodological quality assessment of meta-analyses and network meta-analysis 2021, Journal of Diabetes Investigation: Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Amiri, Mina; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
The Association between Serum Concentration of Irisin, Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide and Body Mass Index among Women with and without Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 2021, International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (IJEM): Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Hedayati, Mehdi; Mansournia, Mohammad Ali; Nazemipour, Maryam; Rahmati, Maryam; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Does the Anti-Mullerian Hormone Decline Rate Improve the Prediction of Age at Menopause? 2021, Frontiers in Endocrinology: Volum 12 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Sheidaei, Ali; Firouzi, Faezeh; Tohidi, Maryam; Azizi, Fereidoun; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Male Infertility and the Subsequent Risk of Cancer 2021, Frontiers in Oncology: Volum 11 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Panahi, Mohammad Hossein; Vaismoradi, Mojtaba
Investigating the clinical utility of the Anti-Mullerian Hormone Testing for the prediction of age at menopause and assessment of functional ovarian reserve: A practical approach and Recent Updates 2021, Aging and Disease: Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Firouzi, Faezeh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
The Association Between Male Infertility and Cardiometabolic Disturbances: A Population-Based Study 2021, International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (IJEM): Volum 19 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Rostami Dovom, Marzieh; Azizi, Fereidoun; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
The Impact of Diagnostic Criteria for Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus on Adverse Maternal Outcomes: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis 2021, Journal of Clinical Medicine: Volum 10 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Saei Ghare Naz, Marzieh; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
Isolated Maternal Hypothyroxinemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes: A systematic review 2021, Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction: Volum 50 Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Nazarpour, Sima; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
A Systematic Review of the Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes in Norway 2021, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH): Volum 18 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Parajuli, Ranjan; Vaismoradi, Mojtaba
Needs Assessment of Safe Medicines Management for Older People With Cognitive Disorders in Home Care: An Integrative Systematic Review 2021, Frontiers in Neurology: Volum 12 Vaismoradi, Mojtaba; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Lorenzl, Stefan; Weck, Christiane; Paal, Piret
The Effect of Mild Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Treatment on Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis 2021, Frontiers in Endocrinology: Volum 12 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Panahi, Mohammad Hossein; Vaismoradi, Mojtaba
Mild Gestational Diabetes and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis 2021, Frontiers in Medicine: Volum 8 Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Vaismoradi, Mojtaba; Panahi, Mohammad Hossein; Kymre, Ingjerd Gåre; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
Risk of hypertension in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression 2020, Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology: Volum 18:23 s. 1-15 Amiri, Mina; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh; Carmina, Enriko
Low serum testosterone levels and the incidence of chronic kidney disease among male adults: A prospective population-based study. 2020, Andrology: Volum 8 s. 575-582 Amiri, Mina; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Rahmati, Maryam; Amanollahi Soudmand, Saber; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Sabet, Zari
Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Cardiometabolic Diseases and Risk Factors 2020, Nova Science Publishers: s. 43-85 Tehrani, Fahimeh Ramezani; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira
The risk of chronic kidney disease among women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A long‐term population‐based cohort study 2020, Clinical Endocrinology: Volum 93 Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Amiri, Mina; Cheraghi, Leila; Amanollahi Soudmand, Saber; Azizi, Fereidoun
Preeclampsia and the Ten-Year Risk of Incident Chronic Kidney Disease 2020, CardioRenal Medicine: Volum 10 Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Amiri, Mina; Rahmati, Maryam; Amanollahi Soudmand, Saber; Azizi, Fereidoun; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Prevalence of acne vulgaris among women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systemic review and meta-analysis 2020, Gynecological Endocrinology: Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Saei Ghare Naz, Marzieh; Carmina, Enrico
High prevalence of benign mammary tumors in a rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome during postmenopausal period 2019, Gynecological Endocrinology: Noroozzadeh, Mahsa; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Mosaffa, Nariman; Tohidi, Maryam; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Cost effectiveness of different screening strategies for gestational diabetes mellitus screening: study protocol of a randomized community non-inferiority trial 2019, Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome: Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira
Is There any Association between Age at Menarche and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome? The Tehran Lipid & Glucose Study 2019, Archives of Iranian Medicine (AIM): Volum 22 s. 495-500 Farahmand, Maryam; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Azizi, Fereidoun
The impact of diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes on its prevalence: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2019, Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome: Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Amiri, Mina; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Relationships Between Biochemical Markers of Hyperandrogenism and Metabolic Parameters in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2019, Hormone and Metabolic Research: Amiri, Mina; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Azizi, Fereidoun; Carmina, Enriko
Cardiovascular events among reproductive and menopausal age women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2019, Gynecological Endocrinology: Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Amiri, Mina; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Carmina, Enriko
Effect of phlebotomy versus oral contraceptives containing cyproterone acetate on the clinical and biochemical parameters in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial 2019, Journal of Ovarian Research: Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Abtahi, Hayedeh; Saadat, Navid; Tohidi, Maryam; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Changes over-time in blood pressure of women with preeclampsia compared to those with normotensive pregnancies: A 15 year population-based cohort study 2019, Pregnancy Hypertension: Amiri, Mina; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Rahmati, Maryam; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Azizi, Fereidoun
Trend of various adiposity indices in women with and without history of gestational diabetes: a population-based cohort study 2019, BMC Endocrine Disorders: Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Rahmati, Maryam; Amiri, Mina; Azizi, Fereidoun
Metformin therapy before conception versus throughout the pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systemic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression. 2019, Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome: Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Amiri, Mina; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh
Maternal Urinary Iodine Concentration and Pregnancy Outcomes in Euthyroid Pregnant Women: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2019, Biological Trace Element Research: Volum 197 s. 411-420 Nazarpour, Sima; Ramezani Tehrani, Fahimeh; Behboudi Gandevani, Samira; Bidhendi Yarandi, Razieh; Azizi, Fereidoun