The Publishing Committee

The publishing committee contributes to the quality assurance of research registration through the ongoing processing of questions of doubt or conflicts concerning the classification of publications as scientific, author addresses, or other issues that can be subject to discussion, among other things.

​​The publishing committee (PU) consists of one representative from each of the five faculties, an observer from the research department, and a secretary from the university library.

Thor-Erik Sandberg-Hanssen – Nord University Business School
Frank Jacob – Faculty for Social Sciences
Jon Anders Lindstrøm – Faculty for Education and Arts
Anne Kasén - Faculty for Nursing and Health Sciences
Jarle Tryti Nordeide – Faculty for Biosciences and Aquaculture

Observer: Department of research and development
Secretary: The university library

The publishing committee does not have a set meeting schedule - summons, case papers, and protocols are archived.