When you have signed the contract electronically a new function in the menu will appear in the DFØ-app and the self-service portal. This is called “My contracts” and will show previous, current, and future contracts.
As an hourly employee you will also use this function to report your hours.
Once you have received a contract proposal for hourly paid employment or an assignment contract, you must digitally sign and accept the contract. Without your signature, the contract is not valid and you do not have an agreement to work for Nord University. No payment will therefore be made.
Please see the instructions on how to sign the contract here.
Please note:During the signature process, you will be asked the question "Do you have a BankID?". Unless you have a Norwegian BankID and Norwegian national ID number or D number, you must answer "No" to this question. You will then be asked for a copy of your passport and your signature, and the contract will be written in English.
If you already have an employee or contractual relationship with Nord University, your address and bank account number is already registered in the payroll system. These cannot be changed during the signing process – please return/reject the contract and provide the new information in the comments field for the case officer. You will then receive a new contract proposal with updated information.
All dates are written using the Norwegian date format: DD.MM.YYYY. E.g.: 01.06.21 means 1 June 2021.
The use of special characters (‘, “, *) in the name, address or comment field will cause a failure in the signing process. Please do not use special characters; only use A-Z og 0-9.
When the contract for hourly paid employment has been signed and you have performed some or all of the agreed work, you must submit digital time sheets to Nord University. Timesheets are submitted using the DFØ app (for smartphones or tablets).
Read about and install the DFØ app here
Time sheets must be submitted each month - to guarantee payment on the 12th of the following month, the time sheets must be sent on the last working day of the relevant month. (E.g.: for payment of working hours in May by June 12th, the time sheets must be submitted by the 31st of May).
Time sheets are controlled and approved by an Nord University case officer.
To submit time sheets, please see the following guidelines:Please note: You can only submit one time sheet per month. Please ensure that all of the hours you have worked during that month are registered before submitting the timesheet. All dates are written using the Norwegian date format: DD.MM.YYYY.
You lose access on the day your contract expires. All time sheets must be sent before your contact expires.
If your contract states that travel expenses are reimbursed, you can submit your travel expense claim using the DFØ-app.
If your contract states that travel expenses are reimbursed, you can submit your travel expense claim using Betalmeg.
Note: Betalmeg can only be used if you have a Norwegian national identity number or D number.
Read the guide on DFØ's website about submitting a travel expense claim in Betalmeg, or follow the video guides linked below:
Betalmeg - login (video with english subtitles)
Betalmeg - register travle expense claim (video with english subtitles)
Travel expense claims must be submitted as soon as possible.
Do you have questions or have you lost access to the DFØ-app?
Please contact us by email: TOA@nord.no