By in-depth learning we mean an approach that aims to reconnect school learning with the world beyond, helping students to invest in their learning as they understand its relevance for their lives outside of school.
In-depth learning involves the students as motivated participants, preparing for and confronting the challenges of today and of times ahead. The conference will discuss diversity and critical literacy with children’s literature, and interculturality as an active process.
Deep reading of literary texts means transacting with and participating actively in the text, experiencing empathy and perspective-taking, while generating, for example, creative, multilingual, or artistic response. Deep reading encompasses cognitively demanding contemplative processes, such as inferencing, and negotiation of insights by talking around texts. Deep reading also entails reading critically, and potentially against the text.
RidEL 2024 is a cooperation between Norwegian and Canadian project partners (Nord University and Bishop’s University), and invites proposals for papers and panels on language learning around the world.