Nord University encourages all academic staff members and other staff involved in research projects to obtain an ORCID record. Here you will find information about what ORCID is and why you as a researcher should use it.

What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international standard for the unique and persistent identification of researchers and other contributors to research. An ORCID record is as unique as your fingerprint and may be used throughout your entire career. The identifier contributes to linking research findings belonging to one and the same researcher irrespective of changes in their name, place of residence, workplace, or institutional affiliation in Norway and the rest of the world.

ORCID is an international, not-for-profit organisation sustained by member fees from e.g. publishers and universities

Benefits of using ORCID

  • You will not be mistaken for someone else, even though you may have the same name as another researcher, or if you have a name containing language-specific letters causing different spelling in your publications
  • Your research results and activities are correctly attributed to you
  • You will enjoy improved discoverability of your publications
  • Your ORCID record is yours – for free – forever
  • Several research funders (e.g. EU) have integrated ORCID in grant application and reporting workflows

Read more about the benefits on ORCID’s website.

Some advice

  • If you haven’t got an ORCID-account already, register now!
  • When you register your ORCID, you can set the visibility of individual items on your ORCID record (see Visibility settings – ORCID). We recommend that you choose everyone – at least for Works and Employment.
  • Use your ORCID whenever you're prompted to do: The more you use it, the more valuable it will be to you