Research information system Cristin

The research information system Cristin is a tool for researchers and research communities in Norway, where they can register and profile publication data, projects, units and researcher profiles. The system is also used to report data on scholarly publications.

Institutions in the health, institute and higher education sectors must annually report their publications to NVI (the Norwegian Publication Indicator). For a publication to be reported to NVI, it has to be registered in Cristin. Registered publications are verified and approved before the final report deadline. There is established a national website with information on the Norwegian Publication Indicator (change to English in the upper right-hand corner). Publication channels ranked level 1 or 2 are considered academic in the annual reports and indexed in the channel register of the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir).

There are two versions of Cristin that exist in parallel – old Cristin and new Cristin. Instructions and information about Cristin and how to register scholarly publications are available on Cristin's researcher pages.

Researchers' responsibility

According to the routine description for Cristin (in Norwegian only, PDF), researchers at Nord University themselves are responsible for

For all scholarly publications resulting from research fully or partially funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN), the researchers must register the RCN project number in Cristin.

Furthermore, everyone graduating with a PhD from Nord University is required to register and upload their thesis to Cristin (see the university’s PhD regulations § 17-3, in Norwegian only).

Contact persons at Nord University

Publishing commitee at Nord University

The publishing committee consists of one representative from each of the five Faculties, an observer from the Research and Development Division and a secretary from the University Library. The publishing committee contributes to the quality assurance of research registration through the ongoing processing of questions of doubt or conflicts concerning the classification of publications as scientific, author addresses, or other issues that can be subject to discussion, among other things.

Read more on the publishing commitee on own website.