International relations and politics

The research group focuses on topics within international relations, including security, defense and foreign policy matters, globalization, hybrid threats, and societal security.

The Research Group for International Relations serves as a platform for research development for faculty-affiliated scientific staff, collaborating partners at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), and the Norwegian Defence University College/Staff College. The research group addresses issues within international relations, such as security, defense, and foreign policy matters, globalization, hybrid threats, and societal security. The group places a strong emphasis on dissemination and, in 2024, will organize the open seminar series "Sett fra Nord" in connection with the celebration of the Faculty for social sciences' 50 year anniversary. The "Sett fra Nord" seminars will explore international topics with significance for Norwegian affairs, appealing to students and staff at the university, the population of Bodø, and other external stakeholders.

Other activities within the group include:

  • Paper seminars and discussions of article drafts
  • Exploring opportunities for co-publications and joint project applications

For contributions to open seminars or involvement in other parts of the research group's activities, please feel free to contact the research group leader.


Research leader:
Beate Steinveg, Associate professor, FSV

Torbjørn Pedersen
Tanja Ellingsen
Annelin Seppola
Elisabeth Pettersen
Håkan Sandersen
Martin Kossa
Bjørn Olav Knutsen
Kristian Åtland
Håkon Lunde Saxi
Per Erik Solli
Corine Wood-Donnelly
Mathilde Lyngøy Hultgren
Tiril Voll Hansen
Øystein Solvang

PhD Students:
Dominik Emil Dross

Eksternal partners:
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt
Forsvarets høgskole/Stabsskolen