Research Data

Here you will find information on research data management in all phases of a research project - planning, underway, and project completion. Research data comprise information like numbers, texts, photos and audios, that are collected, observed or created during a research project.


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Nord University has support services for research data management, with the aim of helping researchers meet the increasing requirements from e.g. research funders and journals concerning FAIR and open data. E-mail:

Information on Nord University's guidelines, courses in research data management, and FAIR data are available below.

    • As a general rule, Nord University has ownership of all research data generated by its employees.
    • Research data shall be accompanied by a Data Management Plan (DMP​​).​​ 
    • Research data shall be archived either in Nord University's collection in DataverseNO or in other suitable and reliable repositories, ensuring Nord University’s continuous access to the data.
    • As a general rule, research data shall be made openly accessible for further use for all relevant users, except when there are legal, ethical, security-related or commercial reasons for not doing so.​

    See Nord's complete guidelines for res​earch data management:

    See also the Norwegian Government's National strategy on access to and sharing of research data.

  • Previous courses in 2023:

    Webinar-series on research data (13th - 17th, March) including the following topics:

    • How to write a data management plan?
    • How to handle personal data in research projects?
    • Collaboration projects, collaboration agreements and sharing of data
    • Ethical assessments when using research data
    • How to classify and store active research data?
    • How to structure, document and archive research data?

    Powerpoint presentations and more information at iNORD. If you have any questions, contact us at

  • The FAIR principles are overarching principles for data management. FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable. The main purpose with FAIR data is to enable others to find, understand and re-use research data.

    The FAIR principles in a nutshell

    The FAIR principles (Wilkinson et al., 2016) entail the following:

    • Findable: Data is easy to find. Data and supplementary materials have sufficiently rich metadata and a unique and persistent identifier.
    • Accessible: Data is accessible. Metadata and data are understandable to humans and machines. Data is deposited in a trusted repository.
    • Interoperable: Data can be combined and re-used across e.g. systems and institutions and over time. Metadata use a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation.
    • Reusable: Data can be re-used. Clear usage licenses and accurate information on provenance.


    An important aspect of FAIR data management is the choice of data repository. Follow this link for more information.