Familiarise yourself with the guidelines for examination candidates at Nord University. You must provide your own PC or Mac with administrator rights, cf. Section 8-2 of the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at Nord University. Chromebooks cannot be used.
The following must be done no later than two days before each exam:
- Update and restart your computer.
- Check your username and password for your FEIDE user with two-factor authentication.
- Ensure a proper connection to the wireless network Eduroam. Do not use the guest network. Check the box for Connect automatically.
- Log in to Inspera and choose «Demo tests».
Download and install the latest version of Safe Exam Browser (SEB) from the demo for «Skriftlig skoleeksamen / Written on-site examination with SEB». Note that old versions of SEB must be uninstalled before installing the latest version. Mac users must download SEB and then drag the file to Applications.
If your operating system is not up to date, Safe Exam Browser (SEB) will not work properly. You can find the system requirements on the Inspera website.
NB: Ensure that SEB works by conducting the demo test.
In the demo test you may explore the possibilities for simple drawings, figures, and tables.
Read more about SEB examinations on Inspera's website. - On the day of your examination, all programs must be closed and shut down. Some programs can prevent SEB from working and must be closed and/or uninstalled before the exam. Examples: Steam, Teamviewer, Facebook and Discord.
If you need help downloading SEB, logging in to Feide or connecting to Eduroam, contact IT Helpdesk (75 51 74 00).
On the examination day
- Meet at the specified location at least 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled to start.
- Bring a valid proof of identity (any proof of identity on a mobile phone is not valid).
- Bring your own computer and charger.
- From 1 January 2025 it is allowed to use a wireless mouse and a wireless keyboard. It is not allowed to use a wireless headset or other digital wireless tools not specified here.
- Your computer must be updated and restarted. All programs must be closed and shut down.
- Bring your phone, you must have this in case you have to log in with two-factor authentication.
- Follow instructions given by the exam invigilators.
- Log in to Inspera with Feide at (NOT through the SEB icon on your desktop).
- Click the "Click here to get ready" button for the relevant examination.
- Select "Open the test in the Safe Exam Browser" (SEB).
- Enter the password. You will receive the password from the exam invigilator before the examination starts.
- The examination is now in progress and the questions must be answered. Inspera offers spell checker functionality in Question type Essay. See information from the heading «Candidate Spell Checker menu».
- Your answer will be stored automatically and continuously in the system every 15 seconds.
- If the network connection fails during the examination, contact the exam invigilator immediately.
- Submission must take place before the time is up.
Upon completion of the examination, you will find your examination answer in Inspera under the Archive tab.
Note: You will not be allowed additional time for an examination if you arrive late or have not installed the latest version of SEB (Safe Exam Browser).
Written examination with pen and paper
Log in to Studentweb to check whether you're having the written examination in Inspera or with pen and paper.
Familiarise yourself with the guidelines for candidates. Valid proof of identity must be presented at the examination premises. Any proof of identity on a mobile phone is not valid.
Meet at the specified location at least 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled to start.
External candidates must present valid proof of identity and a receipt for payment of the semester fee.
Nord University does not arrange exams for students who are not students at our university.