Subject description for 2024/25
Ecology 2
Subject description for 2024/25

Ecology 2

Ecology is an more and more quantitative scientific discipline which focuses on the study of abundance and distribution of organisms. To be able to understand and predict outcomes of complex ecological changes such as climate change, habitat destruction, and pollution requires mastering some basic ecological principles. Such principles are typically formalized as mathematical models that can be used in analysis or simulation of complex problems. This course covers the most common mathematical models in population and community ecology, describing the dynamics of single populations, as well as interacting populations.

In order to take this course, the student must first have completed the following course:

MA116F Mathematics for biologists, BI123F Ecology

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:


  • Have broad knowledge of the principles and underlying assumptions of basic mathematical models in ecology
  • Know of the development of central theories in ecology and its application in the study of population dynamics


  • Can construct basic mathematical models for analyzing problems in population dynamics
  • Can use computer simulations as a tool in analyzing ecological problems
  • Can analyze the dynamics of populations by use of mathematical models

General competence

  • Can make decisions on what to sample to effectively quantify population dynamics of natural populations
  • Can describe and analyze the dynamics of populations based on suitable data sets
  • Can partake in scientific discussions of mechanisms behind variability in population size and distribution
No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.
Elective for the bachelor program in Biology
Lectures, practice sessions, seminars, assignment work.
The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university¿s quality assurance system.

The exam consists of:

  • Portofolio submission - 0 % of grade
  • Home exam - 4 hours - 100% of grade