Individual Curriculum
The course gives the students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a scientific topic that is not covered by other available courses at FBA. The scientific theme is chosen in dialogue with a supervisor. The course includes an independent literature search, followed by an oral presentation on the chosen topic.
Indicative information about the course regarding size of the curriculum and the literature review is described in the Canvas room "Master at FBA".
Learning outcome:
The student will:
•have advanced knowledge of theoretical and empirical aspects of a research topic at Master level within biosciences.
•be able to review the appropriate scientific literature and understand and synthesise the state of knowledge within the selected topic.
The student will:
•be able to explain important theoretical and empirical aspects of the selected scientific topic at Master level as described above.
General competence
The student will:
• have good insight into a chosen biocience research topic at master's level, and be able to disseminate and discuss this orally