Current active course description (last updated 2024/25)
Ecosystem Resilience
Current active course description (last updated 2024/25)
Ecosystem Resilience
Climate change is affecting all ecosystems around the globe and especially the high north experiences climate warming above the global average. At the same time these ecosystems harbours a divers fauna and flora that provides food and wealth (ecosystem services) to society. These natural resources are harvested or cultivated, which comes along with disturbance or even destruction of natural environments. In this course we try to understand how ecosystems are changing under pressure and what keeps ecosystems, their communities and food webs stable. We will work on the theoretical basis of ecosystem resilience and discuss the most recent findings of ecosystem stability. In addition, we will use case studies to link the properties of an ecosystem with nature management approaches based on your own experience.
Students qualified for admission to MSc in Biosciences are eligible for this course.
On successful completion of the course:
The candidate
- Has advanced knowledge on theories about ecosystem resilience and stability as well as related subjects such as disturbance theory, succession, food web structure, ecosystem functioning and management approaches
- Has specialized insights in resilience and stability of ecosystems of relevance to their specialisation
- Can apply the knowledge to different new aspects within the research field
The candidate
- Can critically analyse scientific information and debate about it in a group using scholarly arguments
- Can analyse existing theories about ecosystem resilience and apply knowledge independently on scientific and practical problems
General Competence
The candidate
- Can communicate about scientific findings and conclusions to audiences with various background
- Can critically reflect alone and in a group on scientific findings and carry out independent and advanced project work
- Masters the terminology used in the field of ecosystem dynamics research
No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.
Elective: MSc in Biosciences
The course has multiple teaching approaches.
Course evaluation: Mid-term oral evaluation with written report, electronic evaluation at the end of the semester.
Compound evaluation, grading scale Letter grades
- Portefolio, comprises 30/100 of the grade, grading scale Letter grades.
- Oral Examination, comprises 70/100 of the grade, grading scale Letter grades.
Overlap refers to a similarity between courses with the same content. Therefore, you will receive the following reduction in credits if you have taken the courses listed below:
BIO5034 - Ecosystem Resilience - 5 credits