Subject description for 2024/25
Experience of Nature
Subject description for 2024/25

Experience of Nature

Are you interested in outdoor activities in Norwegian nature? Come and learn about characteristic landscape forms, plants and animals through your own active participation in Norwegian Friluftsliv activities.

Students participate in outdoor activities such as excursions and field trips and become acquainted with characteristic landscape forms, plants and animals. Students practice  different types of Friluftsliv - activities and thereby deepen their subject development. Friluftsliv is a Norwegian way of doing outdoor-activities deeply rooted in Norwegian identity.

Every student reflects on the adventure experiences based on his/her own background. Students write an assignment reflecting on their gained experiences. For example, a student of nursing can connect experience to a public health perspective, a student of tourism to nature tourism, and a teacher student to outdoor based teaching.

Higher Education Entrance Qualification and English language proficiency. 

Can be taken as an individual course.

Places on the course are limited.

Students who apply for admission to the study programme are given priority over students who wish to take it as an individual course. If the number of international applicants exceeds the number of places available, students from institutions holding a student exchange agreement with Nord University will be given priority.


The student

  • is able to recognise some of the most common local rocks 
  • is  able to recognise and describe the formation history of characteristic small- and great-scaled landforms
  • is able to identify local plants and animals
  • has gained knowledge about the Norwegian Friluftsliv concept.


The student

  • is able to rrange experience-based learning-activities outdoors
  • can reflect on how experience-based learning outdoors can be utilized in own profession
  • is able to interpret the formation history of a glacially formed landscape
  • can arrange learning-activities in nature
  • can reflect upon what is a meaningful experience and how to create such
  • can recognize the connection between nature and cultural development

General competence:

The student

  • can understand the value of learning through practical activities and experiences in nature
  • is  able to develop and carry out such for others. 

In addition to the semester fee and syllabus literature, it is assumed that the student has a laptop at their disposal. Personal equipment in connection with outdoor activities is covered by the student.

Accomodation for three nights á 350 NOK/night. Meals and drinks are not included. All other travel expenses are covered by the university.

The course is compulsory in the semester programme Adventure Knowledge. For students who do not take the whole semester programme, it is possible to take the course as a separate course if the programme is not full. 

Excursions in different natural surroundings, e.g. glacier hiking, cave tour, outdoor swimming.


Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.
Assignment: Assessment expressions A-F, where A is the best grade and F is not passed. Counts 100/100 of the grade. Scientific essay related to experiences, knowledge and abilities concerning the contents of the course.

All aids may be used.

Generating an answer using ChatGPT or similar artificial intelligence and submitting it wholly or partially as one's own answer is considered cheating