Subject description for 2024/25
Friluftsliv Pedagogy
Subject description for 2024/25

Friluftsliv Pedagogy


Description of course

The course, friluftsliv pedagogy, will give the student tools to be able to plan, implement and assess friluftsliv in a safe and appropriate manner for all seasons, with different groups. Central keywords coaching in friluftsliv, didactic relational thinking, groups and group processes, learning and teaching principles, motivation and mastery. In addition, time is devoted to the topics safety awareness and security related to didactic arrangements.

The course also contains friluftsliv-related practical experience.

After passing the course, the student shall:


  • have knowledge of friluftsliv pedagogy, relevant working methods in friluftsliv with a major emphasis on coaching in friluftsliv
  • have knowledge of friluftsliv for different target groups
  • have a basic knowledge of the didactic relational model and its use in friluftsliv arrangements
  • have knowledge of motivation, mastery, groups and group processes
  • have knowledge of laws and regulations related to hazardous activity
  • have knowledge of security, safety awareness and risk-reduction related to friluftsliv coaching


  • be able to plan, implement and assess friluftsliv for relevant target groups in a safe and appropriate manner
  • be able to use the basic knowledge about coaching in friluftsliv in practice, and reflect on this in light of current theory
  • be able to reflect on the how and why of using friluftsliv as an educational tool
  • be able to use the didactic relational model in a professional friluftsliv context in practice
  • be able to reflect on the characteristics of a good coach and assess one's own knowledge and skills in relation to this

General competency:

  • be able to communicate with others about the subject, friluftsliv, based on professional knowledge
  • be able to see knowledge and skills in context, and use the combination of these in practical situations
  • be able to find, assess and refer to relevant information within the subject, friluftsliv
  • be able to produce academic texts


No costs other than the semester tuition fee and reading list.

The course contains 8-10 teaching days distributed throughout the spring semester. The methods of working are lectures, group work, presentations, coaching, independent work and educational practice.
The programme of study is evaluated annually by the students through course questionnaires (a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation). Evaluations are part of the university's quality assurance system.
5 days of friluftsliv-related practical experience, of which a minimum of 1 day is in the school system

Additional information

Minimum 5 day practical experience, of which at least one day within the school system. Includes a report on practical experience. Must be approved to be able to take the exam.

Oral exam (OE): Grading options: A-F.

System of assessment

Composite assessment, grading options A-E, A = best, F = fail

  • Oral exam, counts 100/100 of the grade, grading options: A-E, A = Best, F = Fail.
  • Mandatory participation - Practical experience, six days, counts 0/100 toward the grade; grading options: Approved - Not approved.
  • Mandatory assignment - reflection note - report on practical experience, counts 0/100 of the grade; grading options: Pass - Fail.