Subject description for 2024/25
Art Fundamentals
Subject description for 2024/25

Art Fundamentals

The course aims to develop observational drawing technique, with particular attention paid to figure, form, light, perspective and composition.
The course aims to develop observational drawing technique, with particular attention paid to figure, form, light, perspective and composition. The course will use traditional materials in a studio environment. The ability to draw from observation is a fundamental skill for someone looking to work in the creative industries.
Only for students accepted at the Bachelor program Film and TV production

On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:


  • Capture figure, form and light from observation in hand drawn images.
  • Portray perspective in a composition.
  • Effectively use a range of traditional drawing materials.


  • Recognise anatomical structure, mass and volume through the reproduction of the physical form.
  • Identify standards and conventions within a production pipeline specific to their field of study.

General Competence:

  • Critically review work and reflect on their development.
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Lectures, Lab work on assignments
Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.


Grade: Pass or fail