Subject description for 2024/25
Stress, Adverse Life Events and Trauma Disorders
Subject description for 2024/25

Stress, Adverse Life Events and Trauma Disorders

Stress, life crises and serious life events are very widespread and often contribute to reduced quality of life and reduced functional capacity, as well as physical and mental health challenges. The consequences of such burdens are to a small extent detected in the healthcare system, at the same time that effective health promotion and treatment measures exist. Stresses and violations early in life can affect the entire life course.
The subject emphasizes understanding the entire range of forms of stress, how people react to these, both in the short and long term, as well as which factors contribute to recovery, coping and survival. Impact at family/group level and society, and across generations is also highlighted. The subject is practical/clinically oriented with case studies and practical exercises. Approaches from mental health work with the strengthening of one's own values, self-image, and bearing opinions are central. Vulnerable groups and minorities will be emphasised. The subject will focus on both preventive measures and more specific forms of treatment related to trauma.

The subject is offered as an elective subject for a Master's in Health Science, further education in mental health work, and that it is offered as an individual subject.

Admission requirements are a completed bachelor's degree

45 students are admitted.

Students who has been admitted to the Master's in Health Sciences and Further Education in Mental Health Work have priority.

Completed bachelor degree


  • Has advanced knowledge of how people react to stress and strain
  • Has in-depth knowledge of different forms of stress, different forms of reaction and diagnoses, as well as protective and vulnerability factors for the development of trauma disorders
  • Has broad knowledge of central themes, problems, tools and methods used in treatment after serious life events


  • Can look after and stabilize people who are in an acute crisis and/or have experienced great stress in their lives
  • Can reflect on own role in meetings with people who have experienced great strain, and with relevant partners
  • Can analyze and relate critically to research in the field of stress and trauma, and apply and adapt this to own practice

General competence:

  • Can apply knowledge and skills related to stressful life events and transfer these to new areas, in line with established sustainability goals
  • Can communicate about knowledge. Perspectives and approaches to strain and trauma disorders, both with the professional field and the general public
  • Can contribute to the further development of the field through participation in R&D work and dissemination of research and experience
In addition to the semester fee and curriculum literature, it is assumed that the student has a laptop computer at his/her disposal.

Collection-based campus teaching

Lectures, group work, practical exercises, self-study.

Attendance at the meetings is compulsory.

Evaluated annually by the students through subject surveys. Evaluation is included as part of the university's quality assurance system.

Composite assessment, grading rule Letter grades.

  • AK - Individual work requirement, counts 0/100 of the grade, grading rule Approved/ Failed.
  • OD - Compulsory participation, 80% attendance, counts for 0/100 of the grade, grading rule Approved/ Failed.
  • HJ - Home exam, standardized multiple-choice task, 6 hours, counts 30/100 of the grade, grading rule Letter grades.